Chapter six Emmy's POV

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Sandor, who was quiet earlier, now stood in front of me. Like I wanted to kill everyone. "Is there a problem?" I ask him intimidated. I see Sophie motioning for him to walk away and he obeys her with much reluctance. He looks angry, but he goes back to his corner anyway.

No panic! It was my plan to tell them about my father so they could help me find him. But it was clearly not planned that way. But I have to make the best of the situation and for that I need a good lie. ,,Is FINTAN your father?!", Keefe is outraged next to me. I look at him from the side, his elf-like face with his "perfect" hair looked angry. ,, Wow, I kidnapped Fintan's daughter! I think he owes us a favor!" "Are you a Pyrokinetic too?" Dex asks. I clear my throat and try to ignore Keefe, if something goes wrong now my whole missions gonna fail: "You know my adoptive father??"

I try to put as much disbelief into my voice as possible. The angry looks slowly but surely turned into curious ones. "Adoptive father?" Linh whispers as if she didn't want to say it. Before I could answer her question, mine was answered, even though I already knew the answer. "I was just telling you that we captured him ", Biana replies a little offended, because she thinks I didn't listen to her carefully. "Has he something to do with the Neverseen group you told me about?",,Why did you tell her about the Neverseen? We don't even know them!" Everyone looks at Fitz annoyed, even Sophie.I wouldn't have expected it from her because she used to have a really big crush on him. Or so it seemed. "Yes", Sophie turned to me, "he wanted to kill us all" Sophie looked at me so intently and waited until she saw my reaction. Which was a bit minor because I said, 'Oh, so that's what he's doing while he's gone.' I look down at the ground trying to feel sad while inside I'm freaking out with joy. I finally know what happened to my dad, but when I looked up again, I saw Keefe's questioning look.

Damn! He's an empath, and a strong one at that. He could feel all my emotions, I waited for him to address my happiness, but he didn't. "Oh, do you really think she doesn't know anything about him?" Tam snorts. "We can test that," says Sophie, "Keefe, please read her emotions" What?! I immediately move away from Keefe, he wouldn't cover for me again "Um," the skinny girl snorted, offended, "Always Keefe, did you forget I'm an empath too? And I won't cover for her." "Stina, we all know that Keefe is a stronger empath than you. Plus, why would he lie, unlike you?" Dex glares at Stina. In turn, she sighed and mumbles something that sounded like idiots. So Stina, not exactly a nice name. Then I remembered our conversation, Keefe was holding my hand and was saying to Sophie, 'I feel a lot of confusion, and a little bit of fear. Oh and now I'm feeling something else, I can't quite interpret it, it seems to be hidden."

I immediately tear my hand from him and snap at him in disgust, "You lousy little bugger!" "Okay, we definitely need to work on your insults!" Keefe jokes. "How about: hobgoblin?" Marella joins in. We all hear Sandor snorting in the background and we all have to laugh. Even Tam: "Or how about intellectual allergic? We all know that's true" , 'Hey don't get cheeky Tammyboy. We also know I have better hair than you with your weird bangs" "Are you sure?" I tease, we all know-"As much as I enjoy your arguments, we still don't know for sure what to do with that one," Fitz interrupted us all, spoiling our fun. "I have a name, FITZ! So use it, okay?" Suddenly the room went deadly quiet, I could even hear the soft rustle of the wind outside: "How do you know my name?"

I rack my brain for an acceptable solution and luckily I have one too: "I heard you saying Fitz to Fitz" I turn to Sophie and hope she will swallow the lie. I resist her gaze even though my hair blushed from all the twirling. Okay, I definitely had to be more careful, this can't happen again. She didn't seem entirely convinced, but she didn't say anything. "Shall we decide what to do with her?" , Linh asks quietly again.

Immediately there was noise around me, but I remained silent and listened to the suggestions. None of the three were really good. The first was that they hand me over to the Council. Which really shouldn't happen because it would ruin my mission. The second came from Stina, which didn't surprise me as she said they should send me back to the human world. And the worst came from Fitz and Sophie, because they played their cognate card and said they could read my mind.

Cold sweat was spreading down the back of my neck, but luckily Edaline saved me from it all. Because she clapped her hands and thus got everyone's attention and decided without further ado: "Let's leave her here for one night and tomorrow we'll call Mr. Forkle. He surely knows what to do"

Before anyone could voice their opinion, I shouted out loud, "I agree!" Seeing everyone's expressions, I quickly added, "I'm sooo tired already, and besides, tomorrow is a new day. And you can sleep on it" Almost everyone in the group agreed, except for Sophie, who didn't look too keen on sleeping under the same roof with me. "I'm happy to sleep outside too!" Keefe looks at me indignantly, "So you can run away? Never" I see that he means it as a joke and yet I realize that some people thought the same thing and meant it. "Don't worry," Edaline said soothingly, "we cleared out an old room a while ago and you could sleep there. I could summon you a bed and everything you need and then you could make yourself comfortable."

There was a lot of confusion, but after a lot of back and forth, everyone left. And Keefe decided to go to his father. However, I was led into a room by Sophie and Sandor. It was big, or at least bigger than the room I shared with Alice. And it had its own bathroom, I felt like I was in paradise as I got ready for bed and then plopped down on the world's fluffiest bed. However, after getting used to hard beds, I would have a hard time falling asleep here. Before I could get to it, though, I heard a hum coming from my bedside table.

I tracked it down, it was coming from my imparter. I opened it carefully to see who was calling me. Because it annoyed me that someone called me so late. I wanted to hurl the worst insults at the person, but I stopped when I saw Lady Gisela's face.

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