A New Threat

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Third Person P.O.V.

"That's incredible!" Astrid says, excitedly. She and the rest of the riders were in the dragon stables, cleaning, feeding, and treating the dragons. Hiccup and (Y/N) finished explaining to them of their encounter with the Light Furies. "But what do you mean by, gone?" Snotlout questions, raising a brow. "They both vanished into thin air." Hiccup replies, continuing to look over a Gronckle. "But it was after they flew through a fire they blasted. Maybe it's a cloaking ability of some kind they use to avoid attention." (Y/N) explains. She finishes treating an injury to a Nadder and it thanks her by nuzzling her before walking off.

"What do you think?" Fishlegs questions in excitement, he shoves the drawing of the Light Fury in (Y/N)'s face. She moves his arm to have some space and gives it a good look. "Stubbier ears and no dorsal plates." She informs him. "Okay, got it." Fishlegs says, then goes to modify the drawing. Eret chuckles as he walks behind Hiccup, carrying some materials. "What a night." He comments. "I'll say. I mean finding a species near identical to our rare dragons is...." (Y/N) trails off, a thinking expression forming on her face. Why were they there in the first place?

But she was interrupted as a black blur passes by her and looks to find Toothless panting and shoving Hiccup eagerly. "Bud, what's gotten into you?" Hiccup laughs as the male Fury drools everywhere. "What's all this slobbering and panting?" Toothless prances somewhere else while his sister sits and looks out into the distance. "Twilight, what's wrong?" (Y/N) asks her, but only gets a short rumble from her scaly companion. "Isn't obvious, you two? They miss them!" Astrid answer with a wide grin, picking up a bucket and swinging a little. "They're in love~" She says in a sing-song voice.

"Huh. I never could have imagined it. Twilight in love. But it's nice that she and Toothless can have their own partner. They deserve it." (Y/N) says, happy that the two can have someone to be with. Hiccup gives her a loving look before whispering to Toothless, "Trust me, it's worth it. But you have to wait for the right moment." "Oh, please." Astrid scoffs, smacking his shoulder as she passes him. "(Y/N) kissed you first and if Toothless waited for the right moment, it would take too long." She states.

Hiccup stammers in disbelief then laughs bitterly, "But be careful, bud. She might end up being more like 'You-Know-Who'." He warns Toothless. But then yelps in pain as Astrid tosses her bucket at him, nailing him in the back of his head. Toothless jumps with a snort and this gets Twilight's attention. She walks over and sniffs Hiccup as the young Chief rubs his head. "My point made." Hiccup huffs, giving Astrid a glare. "Besides, aren't me and (Y/N) enough? Twilight?" Toothless trots around him then rushes off. "I think that's a no." Tuffnut replies, leaning against Belch's head as he sharpens a dagger while Ruffnut cleans Barf's teeth.

Twilight watches as her brother observes two Nadders perform a mating dance. They spread their wings, showing off to one another, then twirl. The female raises her head, allowing the male to preen her neck then rubs her head against his. Toothless rumbles as he watches while Twilight shakes her head then licks the back of Hiccup's. "Thank you, Twilight." Hiccup thanks her. (Y/N) watches the two until the drawing of the Light Fury was held in front of her again. "Something like this?" Fishlegs questions again. (Y/N) looks closely at the drawing. "You know what, just trace the Night Fury card and paint it white." She suggests, making Fishlegs sigh heavily. "You could have told me that before." He groans.

"Can you believe it?" Astrid continues. "Toothless has a girlfriend and Twilight has a boyfriend." She gushes. "I never took you for a romantic." Hiccup snickers, shaking his head, "Like, ever." He then says seriously. (Y/N) giggles and walks over to him. Giving Twilight a scratch on her chin and rests her hands on Hiccup's shoulders. He gives her a soft look as Twilight looks at them with observing eyes. "It's just so sweet." Astrid replies, grabbing some apples, "I mean, look." She points. The others look to see Toothless practice the mating dance the Nadders did. He then nuzzles his own shadow like it was the female Light Fury, purring softly.

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