The Assembly

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Okay. Okay. It's fine. It's fine. Except for the fact that all of Berk has been burned down and a crazed man is out for our dragons. No pressure, right? Okay, first things first, we need to discuss what to do next. I called for an emergency meeting at the Great Hall. Thank the Gods it started to rain, so the fires were handled. But there is still a lot to be dealt with.

"It's the middle of the night!" "What are we doing here?!" The people shouted. "All right! All right." I shout over the crowd, "Everybody, settle down, please." I tell them. "Fishlegs, how're you holding up?" I question Fishlegs, who sat on my left. He groan wearily before slamming his face onto the table. Okay, that is some toxin. "Fishlegs, buddy, buddy!" I snap my fingers in an attempt to get him to focus. "Have you every seen that species of dragon before?" I ask him. He pushes himself up, but he only makes a high-pitched whimper and falls backwards. Okay, he's no help right now.

"I do." I turn my head to my right to focus on (Y/N). "I only read about them once but they're called Deathgrippers. They not only spray acid but they have venom in their tail that is just as deadly." She informs. I hear Fishlegs groan, sounding like he agrees, and see him point at (Y/N) before passing out again. "Let me at him!" A man shouted. "I'll give him a piece of my mind! And by 'mind', I mean my 'fists'!" Another shouts and I see him him punch a man in the face from swinging his fists around. Did these guys forget what just happened?

"Did you miss the part where we almost died?" I demand, the crowd going silent. "H-Have you seen my house?!" I rhetorically ask them. "Grimmel burned our village. And that was only a warning!" (Y/N) states, standing up from her seat. "This is a new kind of enemy." I tap my the table to emphasize, locking eyes with the crowd. "I didn't listen and I underestimated him. Now, that's on me," I shake my head, feeling stupid for not listening to (Y/N) but I raise my hand to gesture firmly with it, "but I will not do that again." I affirm.

"This is only the beginning. Grimmel may very well have an entire armada under his command. We need to tread carefully." (Y/N) speaks, but while her voice is strong, I could hear the fear in it. "We're Vikings! We don't run from a fight. At least I don't." Snotlout says. "You might." He adds glaring at Eret. I roll my eyes, now is not the time for this. "I agree with Hiccup and (Y/N)." Eret speaks as he stands up and walks around the table. "We haven't seen the last of Grimmel. He's a predator. Single-minded and patient." He says. He stands at (Y/N)'s side and looks behind at us. I also to see Toothless and Twilight, the two comforting each other.

"I'm with Eret. We have to take this threat seriously." I look at Mom as she rises. I look to the crowd, "Grimmel is just a sign that the times are changing. Our enemies are getting smarter, more determined." I pause, then look around the hall. My people and the dragons here on the island. "We're not just overcrowded. We are exposed and vulnerable. Short of full-blown war and risking everyone we love, I don't..." I trail off, not sure if I should say it. I look to (Y/N) and see she's already looking at me. She moves her eyes to look at the ground in thought but then looks at me and gives me a supportive look and nods her head. "I don't see a way of staying here any longer." I state, looking at the crowd.

And, like I predicted, they shout in disagreement and disdain. "What would Stoick think of this?!" I felt a sting in my heart and I couldn't find the courage to say anything. "SILENCE!" I jump a little in surprise and see (Y/N) with a furious look. Everyone quiets down until they are completely silent. A very important note about (Y/N): Never. Push. Her. Patience.

"Yeah! At least hear him out." Astrid agree. I look to her as she nods her head at me. I look to (Y/N), she has calmed down, and gives me a smile. I give her a smile back then become serious and look to the crowd. "If we want to live in peace with our dragons, we need a better plan." I start. "So.... What are you saying, Chief?" I hear Gobber question. "What he is saying is that we need to disappear." (Y/N) replies. I nod firmly, "Completely off the map! Take the dragons to a place where no one will find them." I explain. "And where might that be?" I hear a man ask suspiciously.

"The Hidden World. That's where." (Y/N) answers. "The hidden what?" A woman demands. "Out to lunch." I hear Ruffnut say in a bored tone and look to see her and Tuffnut lounging on a dining table. "Yeah." Tuffnut cackles. I ignore them and look back at the audience. "My father was obsessed with it when I was a boy. He made notes and maps in search of the ancestral home of all dragons, tucked away beyond the edge of the world. It may be the solution we need. We're dragon people! It's where we belong." I explain. The crowd talk amongst each other, unsure. I stated to feel like I couldn't get through to them.

"Look, I understand your hesitation." (Y/N) speaks, setting her hands on the table as she looks at the crowd. "This island has been our home for centuries, but before we made peace with the dragons I was going to leave this place." She says. I heard a lot of people mutter in surprise. "When I lost my parents there was nothing tying me to this place. All the fighting and the killing, it wasn't solving anything! But I realized after we made peace that there are good things that came from Berk." She looks to me with a loving smile and I give her one back. She looks back to the crowd with a look of determination. "Houses can be rebuilt, but people, especially loved ones, can never be replaced." She states strongly.

She then stands straight and gives me an encouraging nod. I look to the crowd. "My father left me to protect our home! But Berk is more than just a place. We are Berk!" I state, emphasizing by waving my arms at them. "The people, the dragons! We say Berk goes wherever we go." I finish strong. The crowd mutters a little before going quiet. Man, I wish Vikings weren't so stubborn. "I'm with them! Who else?!" Tuffnut exclaims all of a sudden. But the rest of the people starting cheering.

Everyone starts to get prepared to pack up and get ready to leave Berk. After talking with Mom, I went to talk to (Y/N). I search the crowd and find her talking with Astrid. I smile and make my way to them. "Hey." I greet, wrapping an arm around (Y/N). "Hey." She greets back. "So, we're really doing this?" Astrid asks. I nod my head, "This is the only way to protect our home, Astrid." I tell her. She looks down in thought then looks at me and gives me a nod. "Okay. But remember, you have us for help. You're not alone." She says then walks off. I feel (Y/N) wrap her hand around my waist, "It's a big step." She says.

I look around at all the people and dragons of Berk. "Change is never easy." I say then remove my arm and turn my body to face her. She looks at me and I grab her hands, looking into her beautiful (E/C) eyes. "(Y/N), I promise I will protect you and all of Berk." I say seriously. She gives me a surprise look before giving me a soft look, "And I to you, too." She says. But then I get knocked into her and she keep us up as I look back to see Toothless giving his signature smile.

I chuckle softly as I right myself. Thank goodness (Y/N) didn't fall. I hear her giggle and look to find Twilight give her a nuzzle on the face. I laugh softly as I place a hand on Toothless' head and wrap an arm around (Y/N)'s waist and bring her close to me. She lays her hand on Twilight as she snuggles against her and I feel Toothless rub against me. "I promise, I will protect you." I declare to them.

(Quick note. I won't update for a while because of family vacation time. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! ❄️☃️⭐️)

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