Confession [KageHina]

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Ship: Kageyama x Hinata

Hinata tries to confess to Kageyama...

Today was the day. The day Hinata was going to confess to Kageyama. He had the whole thing planned out. Since he was too scared to actually say it to his face, he had spent almost a whole hour writing Kageyama a letter. He wanted to make sure it was perfect because Kageyama deserved nothing less.

He had spent a lot of time on his letter, writing then re-writing. He followed this process until he finally had a letter that he didn't absolutely hate. He isn't sure what Kageyama will think, but he feels better knowing he put a lot of thought into it.

Hinata rehearsed how the day would go in his head. He didn't want to give his letter to Kageyama at the beginning of the day, since he sees Kageyama pretty much the whole day at school and things would be super awkward if Kageyama rejected him. So he decided he would just give him the letter after volleyball practice.

As Hinata biked to school, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He had never confessed to someone before. Hinata loves his friendship with Kageyama and he can't imagine what he'd do without it. What if Kageyama doesn't return his feelings? He shakes his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his mind.

As Hinata got closer to the school, he could see Kageyama waiting for him, ready to race to class like they normally do in the mornings. Hinata's stomach felt like it was doing flip flops as he approached Kageyama. He tried his best to act natural, the letter in his backpack weighing down on him.

His nervousness didn't decrease for the rest of the day. Hinata was worried that his volleyball performance would be affected, but he found that focusing on putting his all into practice was a good distraction from what he was about to do. And he had a lot of energy that he needed to get out. So he ended up actually playing better than he usually does.

But before he knew it, practice was over. Hinata and Kageyama usually stay back for extra practice so soon enough, they were alone, just the two of them. They hadn't been playing for long when Kagayema interrupted their practice. He had noticed that something was off about Hinata. He was more hyper than he usually was, which was saying something. Plus he noticed that Hinata kept fidgeting.

"Oi, dumbass. What's up with you?" It sounded rude, but Hinata wasn't offended. He's learned by now that communicating with people is hard for Kageyama, and that this was just him showing his concern.

Hinata now had Kageyama's full attention and he decided that there was no time better than the present. He might as well get it over with. He didn't respond to Kageyama's question, he only went to get his bag and fished out the letter. Then, he shoved it at Kageyama. "Here."

Kageyama raised an eyebrow at him. He turned the plain white envelope over, eyeing it curiously. "What's this for?"

"Just open it," Hinata hurries out, squeezing his eyes shut and rocking back and forth on his feet. Kageyama opened the envelope, pulling out the letter that was inside. He started to read it but didn't get very far before he frowned.

I like you.
I'm sorry if you think it's weird but I just needed to tell you.
When I'm with you, I feel like I can fly.
I'm really glad that we're friends.
If that's all you want to be, then that's fine. But I was hoping that maybe we could be more.
Will you go out with me?

The letter was short, simple, and straight to the point. The purpose of the letter was clearly stated, which is why Hinata didn't understand why Kageyma looked so... confused? Hinata could feel his heart dropping, a twisting feeling in his stomach. Why hadn't Kageyama said anything yet?

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