Sick [KuroKen]

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Ship: Kuroo x Kenma

Kenma can be very stubborn sometimes. Especially when he's sick.

"For the last time, Kuro, I'm not sick," Kenma says.

"Mhm," Kuroo says, crossing his arms, not believing Kenma. "If you're not sick then you're a vampire, because you look super pale."

"That's because it's winter." Kenma turns back to the video game in front of him, choosing to ignore the pointed look that Kuroo is giving him.

"Kenma, you need to rest," Kuroo says sternly, taking the video game out of his hand and setting it on Kenma's dresser. "I'm going to make you soup, I'll be back."

Kenma sighs, too lazy to protest. He grabs his video game off the dresser and continues playing. When Kuroo gets back he looks at Kenma, frustratedly. He takes the video game again, this time not putting it on the dresser and forcing the soup into Kenma's hands.

Kenma glares at him. "Eat the soup, it will help you feel better," Kuroo says.

"I feel fine," Kenma states.

"Fine. I guess I'll have to feed it to you myself." Kuroo picks up the spoon and presses it to Kenma's mouth. Kenma reluctantly complies, swallowing the soup.

Once Kenma has eaten at least some of the soup, Kuroo sets the bowl aside and presses his hand to Kenma's forehead. Just like he thought, Kenma feels warm. He frowns. "You're not sick, huh? You're burning up."

Kenma flicks Kuroo's hand away with his own. "If I say I'm sick will you stop being annoying?"

"Yes," Kuroo says, happy that Kenma is finally going to admit that he's not feeling well.

"Fine, I'm sick."

Kuroo looks at Kenma, his expression softening. "You know I'm only bothering you because I care about you, right?"

"Yes, Kuro. I know that." Kenma smiles softly.

Kuroo leans in to give Kenma a kiss before Kenma stops him by putting a hand on his chest. "I'm sick, remember? That means you can't kiss me."

"I thought you said you weren't sick," Kuroo smirks.

Kenma shrugs. Kuroo gives him a quick peck before getting up. "I'm going to get you more blankets," he says. "Don't go anywhere."

Kenma watches his boyfriend leave, secretly grateful to have such a caring partner.

A/N: This one's pretty short but I just wanted to do a quick cute little sick fic. My next one shot will be longer.

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