Catching Frogs [IwaOi]

122 4 2

Ship: Iwaizumi x Oikawa

Exactly what the title says.

"Iwa-chan, hurry up! It's getting away!"

Eight year old Oikawa runs forward, hopping from rock to rock, trying to catch up to the runaway frog. Iwaizumi runs after him while mumbling complaints. He yells at Oikawa, who is nearly tripping on the rocks, to slow down.

"Stupidkawa we can just find another one," Iwaizumi yells, but Oikawa doesn't listen to him, continuing forward on his stubby legs.

"No we can't! This one is special." Oikawa finally stops when he spots the frog resting on a rock ahead. "Iwa-chan hand me the net!"

Iwaizumi throws the net to Oikawa. Oikawa moves swiftly towards the frog, bringing the net down on it. "I got it!" He takes out the little cage he had begged his mom to buy for him and Iwaizumi, transferring the frog to the cage.

Once the frog is secured, Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi with the brightest smile that makes Iwaizumi's stomach feel queasy. He proudly shows off the cage, holding it up like a trophy.

The two walk home with smiles on their faces, excited to show their parents their new little friend. In one hand, Oikawa carries the cage, in the other, is Iwaizumi's hand, their pudgy little fingers laced together.

A/N: Hi! I know this one is super short but I thought it was a cute idea and wanted to post it. Hope you liked it still :)

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