To Love Your Enemy [UshiOi]

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Ship: Ushijima x Oikawa

Oikawa isn't in love with Ushijima.

Oikawa Tooru is absolutely one hundred-percent not in love with Ushijima Wakatoshi. In fact, the one thing he wants most in this world is to kis- punch the smirk off of Ushiwaka's beautifu- ugly face. See? He hates him.

Oikawa knew he hated Ushijima from the moment he saw him. All stupid looking and muscle-y, with his strong arms that could probably lift Oikawa right off the ground, with no effort at all.

He hated how Ushijima was the best volleyball player he'd ever seen, without even trying to be.

He hated how Ushijima stared at him during their first match against each other, looking at him like he was wasting his potential. He hated how he had stared back, not wanting to back down from a challenge.

He hated the pitiful look Ushijima had given him when Sejoh had lost to Shiratorizawa. And for some reason he had hated the stupid small, soft, smile Ushijima had given his teammates when they celebrated their victory together.

It made Oikawa feel funny, it gave him this weird longing feeling. Only, he had no idea what the heck he was longing for. Probably longing for Ushiwaka to get hit by a bus.

And as much as Oikawa hated Ushijima, what he hated even more was when his friends made this absurd accusation that Oikawa was in love with Ushijima. Hear that?! In love! With Ushiwaka, for god's sake! How stupid was that?

Sure he did go to bed each night thinking about Ushijima, but that was only because he's thinking about beating him. And sure, maybe he's had a few, interesting dreams about the two of them, which may or may not involve Oikawa jumping into Ushijima's arms and kissing him senseless.

But that doesn't mean anything! They're dreams, it's not like he can control them. Plus he always wakes up with a weird feeling in his stomach, which must mean the idea of kissing Ushijima made him sick.

So the point is, he doesn't understand what everyone else is saying. He is not in love with stupid Ushiwaka. Absolutely not. Never gonna happen.

"What are you pouting about?" Iwaizumi asks Oikawa, bringing him out of his thoughts. "You thinking about how much you wish you could kiss Ushiwaka?"

Oikawa pouts harder and Iwaizumi snickers. "Am not, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whines. "I was thinking about how much I hate him."

"Of course," Iwaizumi says, purposefully using a tone that made Oikawa know he didn't believe him. "Well when you're done daydreaming, call me back over and we can do some actual studying."

"You can't leave!" Oikawa cries desperately. "We are studying! Don't you want to pass the test?"

"I'll get more done studying by myself, not having to listen to your dramatic sighing every other second," Iwaizumi informs, getting up from the bed, leaving Oikawa shocked. "I'll let myself out."

"Stupid Iwa-chan," Oikawa mutters under his breath, turning back to the workbook in front of him. How could Iwaizumi ever think Oikawa would want to kiss that annoying brat?

Oikawa does not go for guys like Ushijima. He's too muscular, too tall. Oikawa likes to be the dominant one in his relationships. Not that he couldn't dominate Ushijima, he could. But he doubts Ushijima would let him, not wanting to back down from his pride.

He'd probably lift Oikawa up, forcing him to wrap his legs around Ushijima's waist while holding Oikawa's thighs with his strong hands to keep him steady. Then he'd push Oikawa forward, his back hitting the wall as Ushijima places kisses on his neck. He'd turn Oikawa into a mess, begging for more.

Ushijima would tighten his grip on Oikawa's thighs, removing his lips from Oikawa's neck to kiss him. Their tongues would battle for dominance, Oikawa would give in, letting Ushijima win. Ushijma would explore every inch of his mouth, he'd probably taste amazing too.

They'd pull away and Oikawa would look at Ushijima with pleading eyes. He'd whisper under his breath "Wakatoshi."



Oikawa's attention snaps towards the sound of his voice. It was his mother, telling him to do his laundry. "Ok, I will!" Oikawa replies, voice shaky.

What the hell just happened?! Did he really think about kissing Ushijima? While he was awake? But, he hates him. Right? Surely he's just expressing his anger in the wrong ways. It was a one time thing. It will never happen again.

Except it does. It happens three more times to be exact and Oikawa is starting to think his friends might have been right the whole time. Oikawa sighs, frustratedly, he did not need this right now. Especially with Interhigh coming up.

Oikawa should be focusing on winning. And beating Karasuno for a second time and beating Shiratorizawa. Not focusing on whatever this is. He can't be distracted, not when Nationals are riding on Aoba Johsai's success. So, Oikawa pushes down his feelings, putting all of his energy into practicing.


Oikawa rolls his eyes when he sees Ushijima. The last thing he needs to hear after losing to Karasuno is how he "should've come to Shitawazoria".

"I assume you're here to tell me how much better I would be doing if I was on your team?" Oikawa asks bitterly.

Ushijima steps towards him and Oikawa waits with anticipation, expecting Ushijima to yell at him or something along the lines of that. But he doesn't. Instead, Ushijima places his hand on Oikawa's jaw, eyes boring into Oikawa, making him look down, almost like he was embarrassed. "What are you doing?" Oikawa asks through gritted teeth.

"You're beautiful, Oikawa," Ushijima says, voice serious and meaningful, shocking Oikawa.

Oikawa's cheeks heat up. He already knows he's beautiful, he knows that. So why does the compliment make him feel so prideful when he hears it come from Ushijima's mouth? Oikawa looks up suddenly, defiant, locking eyes with Ushijima. "Straightforward as ever, I see."

Ushijima is startled by the sudden eye contact, seeming to realize that he had just called his rival beautiful. "I'm sorry," he says quickly, moving to take his hand away from Oikawa's face.

"Don't be." Oikawa puts his hand on Ushijima's, holding it there, stopping Ushijima from pulling it away.

So yes, they may or may not have kissed, you'll never know. And Oikawa has decided that maybe, just maybe his friends were right.

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