Young Love [IwaOiKage]

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Ship: Iwaizumi x Oikawa x Kageyama

Kageyama confesses to Oikawa. The story goes from there.

"Well?" Iwaizumi asks, expectantly.

"Well what?" Oikawa asks, annoyed. Eyes still glued to the letter in front of him.

"What are you going to say to him?" Iwaizumi questions, pointing at the letter in Oikawa's hands.

"No," Oikawa says, as if it's obvious. "Tobio-chan is an annoying little punk. Besides, he's so young, he's like a baby."

"He's only a few years younger than you," Iwaizumi points out.

"Still. I hate him. You know I do, why would I say yes?" Oikawa huffs, shoving the letter into his backpack.

"At least let him down gently," Iwaizumi advises. "Kageyama can be pretty sensitive."

"Yeah? Well quite frankly I don't care very much," Oikawa says. "Besides, I've turned down plenty of confessions. It's not like this is the first time."

Iwaizumi sighs and Oikawa glares at him. He knows that Iwa-chan has always had a soft spot for Tobio-chan. He still doesn't understand why. Doesn't it frustrate him that Kageyama has more talent than them, without even trying?

Well it frustrates Oikawa. And the fact that it frustrates him is even more frustrating. He's worked so hard to be the best setter and then Kageyama comes along and steals his place.

And to top it off, Tobio-chan decides to confess to him! To him! Oikawa of all people! Oikawa doesn't know why but it pisses him off.

It also pisses him off that the first thing he did when he got home was pull out Kageyama's letter.

He read over it again, none of it making sense. Hasn't Oikawa made it obvious that he doesn't like him? So why the heck did he leave a confession letter in Oikawa's locker?

Dear Oikawa-san,
You are very handsome and an amazing volleyball player.
Will you be my boyfriend?

It was short and awkward, much like Tobio-chan himself, yet somehow it's sort of... adorable? Oikawa hates himself for thinking that.

Oikawa also somewhat admires Kageyama's courage. He doesn't even have the guts to tell his best friend he has a crush on him. Which, in that sense, makes Kageyama braver than him.

But he still doesn't like Kageyama. And he doesn't know why he's still staring at the letter, as if it's magnetic, drawing in his gaze. He frowns and tosses the letter in the trash. (He definitely did not get it out of the trash immediately and store it away in his drawer.)

The next day, Oikawa tries to forget about the whole situation. Which was easy, until volleyball practice. Kageyama was staring at him all practice, a shy, hopeful look filling up his eyes.

Iwaizumi comes up to him once they're done with practice. "You have to give him an answer, Oikawa," he says, sternly. "He looks like he's going to pass out if he doesn't receive one soon."

Oikawa didn't say anything, sticking his tongue out at Iwaizumi. He's about to walk out the door when Kageyama comes up to him. Oikawa curses the gods and puts on a fake smile.

"Tobio-chan!" he says, trying to sound extra nice so Kageyama doesn't cry when he rejects him. "What can I help you with?"

Kageyama fiddles with his fingers. "I gave you a letter," he says, awkwardly. "Did you get it?"

Oikawa almost feels bad. Tobio-chan looks so nervous, and now he's going to get his poor little heart broken. "Ah, yes. Look, Tobio-chan, I don't think it would work out between us. I'm too focused on volleyball right now," Oikawa explains, giving the same excuse he's given every girl to confess to him in the past.

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