Jacket [IwaOi]

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Ship: Iwaizumi x Oikawa

Three times Oikawa takes Iwaizumi's jacket and the one time Iwaizumi gives it to him.


The first time it happened, it was a mistake. Oikawa grabbed the wrong jacket on the way home from Iwaizumi's house. He noticed when he got home, but he figured he could just return it the next day. Sure, they lived close but it was already late and he just wanted to go to bed.

The only problem was the weather. The next day was very cold. Oikawa didn't want to freeze and he figured Iwaizumi wouldn't be mad if he borrowed his jacket on the way to school. They could trade when they arrived.

So, he slipped on the jacket and headed out the door. What he didn't expect was for Iwaizumi to be waiting for him outside, Oikawa's jacket in hand, folded up nicely while Iwaizumi shivered from the cold and lack of layers.

Oikawa bounced down the stairs to meet his friend. "Hey, Iwa-chan. I see you noticed that I took the wrong jacket," Oikawa chuckles.

Iwaizumi freezes when he sees Oikawa in his jacket, his face flushing. "Oi, Shittykawa! What are you doing in my jacket?!" he yells.

Oikawa frowns. "It was cold, I thought we could just swap when we arrived at school," he explains. Then, he smirks. "Besides, it looks good on me! Don't you think so, Iwa-chan?"

Iwaizumi's eyebrow twitches at Oikawa's cute- annoying flirting. "No, it doesn't and it's my jacket so take it off," Iwaizumi grumbles.

Oikawa sighs, unzipping the jacket and shrugging it off while handing it over to Iwaizumi and taking his own jacket.



The second time was yet again, an accident. Can you really blame Oikawa though? Their jackets are similar. They are on the same volleyball team, after all. So when Oikawa mistakenly slips on Iwaizumi's jacket after practice, he doesn't notice anything different.

He heads out of the locker room and pulls out his phone, waiting for Iwaizumi to be finished changing.


Oikawa jumps at the sudden voice in front of him and looks up to see Iwaizumi standing directly in front of him. Iwaizumi looks irritated and a little bit of something else Oikawa can't place. He is sporting something that most would call a blush on his cheeks.

"You're wearing my jacket," Iwaizumi grits out through clenched teeth. He holds Oikawa's jacket out toward him and holds out his other hand, waiting expectantly for Oikawa to give his jacket back.

"Oh, how silly of me! I didn't even notice," Oikawa laughs. "Can't believe this is the second time this has happened. Maybe it's the universe telling me I was meant to wear your jacket."

Iwaizumi blushes up to his ears and Oikawa can't help but think he looks funny. As much as he would like to tease his friend about it though, he decides to take mercy on him and gives his jacket back.

He smiles subtly to himself, however, thinking about how cute Iwa-chan looks when he's flustered.



The third time, he does it on purpose. One, because he actually does think that Iwaizumi's jacket looks good on him. And two, because he thinks the faces Iwaizumi makes are funny. Lastly, because he just likes to tease Iwaizumi. That's just the kind of friend he is.

After volleyball practice ends, Oikawa cleans up and changes, slipping Iwaizumi's jacket on, right in front of him. Then he smiles at Iwaizumi.

"Trashykawa, take off my jacket," Iwaizumi says, rolling his eyes and scowling at Oikawa.

"Hmm, I'm good. I like wearing Iwa-chan's jacket," Oikawa says sweetly, zipping up the jacket and smiling at Iwaizumi.

"B-but then what am I supposed to wear, Stupidkawa?" Iwaizumi sputters out. His hands are clenched at his sides.

"You can wear my jacket, of course!" Oikawa exclaims. Then, he heads out of the locker room leaving Iwaizumi standing there, holding Oikawa's jacket.

"Of course," Iwaizumi mutters sarcastically. He puts on Oikawa's jacket, only because it's cold and he doesn't want to freeze the whole way home. Iwaizumi leaves to catch up to Oikawa, shoving his hands in his pockets when he finally finds him, avoiding Oikawa's prying gaze

Oikawa can't help but smile again.



Oikawa lost his jacket. He's very aware of this fact as he's walking to school with Iwaizumi, teeth chattering, rubbing his hands together, trying to heat them up.

He hears Iwaizumi growl under his breath. He takes off his jacket and throws it at Oikawa.

"What? But then you'll be cold-"

"Just take it."

Oikawa smiles, "Ok!"

He puts the jacket on, feeling much warmer and not just because of the jacket, but also the feeling he got because Iwaizumi was the one that gave it to him willingly.

"Stop smiling."

"Aww, but Iwa-chan! You gave me your jacket! That's so cute! I can't just not smile-"

The rest of what Oikawa was going to say is muffled by Iwaizumi's lips on his. This does not, however, solve Oikawa's smiling problem as he only smiles harder into the kiss.

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