Draft [KageHina]

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Ship: Kageyama x Hinata

I was supposed to add more to this but I lost all inspo and it's been in my drafts forever, but I still wanted to post it.


In Junior High, everyone was all about crushes. It became the new thing. Hinata's friends would talk non stop about girls this and girls that. Hinata smiled and laughed along, even though he'd never felt anything like that before.

But he understood why everyone was obsessing over it. From what he had heard, having a crush was a great thing. Hinata just couldn't wait until he had his first crush because he expected it to be as amazing as everyone made it sound.

Spoiler alert, it's not.

Hinata expected that his first crush would be just like him. Loud, smiley, sociable. He had never expected his crush to be mean, awkward, and reserved. He never thought his crush would have the scariest smile and the most intimidating scowl.

Hinata had always daydreamed about the cute way he would meet his first crush. Something along the lines of spilling a drink on them and offering his sweatshirt in return. He didn't think he would meet them in a gym full of sweaty kids.

Hinata had always hoped that his crush would enjoy playing volleyball. That way, they could play together. Hinata wasn't prepared for just how much they would love it. His crush surely had a passion for the sport that words wouldn't even begin to describe.

Hinata had always thought his first crush would be a girl, pretty but strong. He didn't expect his crush to be both of those last two things but not the first. Hinata never expected that his first crush would be a boy.

Hinata was worried at first, that something was wrong with him. None of his other classmates liked boys. None of them thought of boys the way Hinata did. However, after doing some research, he realized he must be gay.

It made a lot of sense, really. Hinata had never cared about girls before, and he still doesn't. He does however, care a lot about a certain Kageyama Tobio.

Honestly, Hinata doesn't know how it happened. How he could go from despising Kageyama to having an actual crush on him. It's bizarre, really.

Hinata had never really minded change. In fact, he welcomes it. But this was a bit too unexpected. His feelings for Kageyama are growing stronger everyday, and that scares him.

He's always been worried about what Kageyama would think if he found out, so he made a vow to himself to never tell the setter how he feels. It might be unhealthy, bottling up your feelings like that, but there's no doubt in Hinata's mind that Kageyama doesn't return his feelings and he is not planning on ruining a perfectly good friendship over something so stupid.

Why would Kageyama like him anyways? He's always being told that he's a burden. Too loud and energetic, too annoying to be around. Hinata's surprised that Kageyama puts up with him in the first place. The setter's always insulting him and calling him annoying. Hinata's glad Kageyama hasn't dropped him yet.

They're partners. They'll always be partners. But is that really what Kageyama wants? Because Hinata knows that's what he wants. He knows it sounds cheesy but he wants to be with Kageyama forever and ever. He secretly hopes that Kageyama won't forget about him after highschool.

Hinata sort of wonders if he'll regret not confessing to Kageyama. One day they could be on opposite ends of the world and Kageyama would have no idea how Hinata feels.

But Hinata thinks he'd rather have to regret not telling Kageyama, than dealing with the consequences of actually telling him. Because Hinata is sensitive, he knows he is. He doesn't know if his heart would be able to handle rejection.

So that's it, the decision has been made. Hinata will take this secret with him to the grave. Even if it hurts a little. Or maybe a lot.



Hinata Shoyo is many things.

He is annoying. He talks too much and never shuts up. He goes on about stupid things that Kageyama could care less about and he's always getting on Kageyama's nerves.

He is jittery. That's the only word Kageyama could really think of to convey the way Hinata can never sit still and how he's always moving from one place to the next.

He is loud. Hinata doesn't seem to understand the concept of an "inside voice", always yelling and never quiet. Hinata often reminds Kageyama of how a little kid would behave.

He is a dumbass. He's bad at school and even worse at his receives. He always manages to do something absolutely incredibly stupid that still surprises Kageyama everytime with how dumb he can be.

He is competitive. He competes with Kageyama in everything and Kageyama would never admit that he actually has a lot of fun with Hinata. But only sometimes. And he'd never ever tell Hinata that.

He is driven. He's passionate, determined, and he never gives up. It's actually kind of annoying how persistent Hinata is. He knows what he wants and he isn't going to stop for anyone to get it.

He is unfortunately adorable, always managing to be a dumbass yet somehow a cute dumbass at the same time. He does the cutest things without even meaning to, like when he shows off the homemade lunches his mom makes him, the ones with animal faces, or when things don't go his way and he gets that adorable pouty look on his face, like a sad puppy.

He is, although Kageyama doesn't like to admit it, a friend. And a good one too. He doesn't seem to mind Kageyama's personality that most would call distasteful. He hangs out with Kageyama and talks to him, even when he doesn't talk back. He invites him to his house to study, even though they rarely ever get any studying done.

He is vibrant. He's like the sun. Peeking in after the night and warming you up. However, his brightness can be scorching if you get too close.

But lastly, he is a partner. He is a partner on and off the court. He knows Kageyama better than anyone has ever known him before. Even better than Kageyama's own family. Kageyama's worried that Hinata is getting too close.

He knows his feelings for Hinata are developing into something more than just friendly feelings. And it's getting worse everyday. He doesn't know what Hinata would do if he found out. Would he hate him? Would he not want to be friends anymore?

That's the last thing Kageyama wants. He doesn't know if he can go back to living a Hinata-less life now that he knows what life is like with Hinata in it. So he has to find a way to preserve whatever it is he and Hinata have, by making sure Hinata never ever finds out how he feels.

Kageyama will take this secret with him to the grave. No matter how much it may hurt.

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