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Apparently probably meant never again. I had held onto hope that I'd see him again for the first 2 weeks, but after that, I knew it wasn't ever going to happen. I suppose it just wasn't meant to be; I mean, we were from 2 different universes. But I guess I'd always read stories about it working out, and happy endings always happened. This was real life, though. Just because we established we were from different universes—which proves the multiverse is real—how did that explain how they existed as a TV show in this universe? Donnie would be a lot of help right now.

Speaking of Donnie, I would've loved help with my college homework. Every friend group had a smart friend everyone else relied on, and I had mine, but that was back in high school. We all split up to go our different ways once we graduated, and I needed another smart friend to help me through physics.

I groaned, setting the pencil down beside my notebook and leaning back into the couch cushions. The smell of the lasagna in the oven made my stomach growl, and I reminded myself it needed another 10 minutes to cook without the tinfoil over it to make the mozzarella on top an orangey yellow in hopes it would calm my hunger. But it had been making the whole apartment smell amazing for the last hour so was it really any wonder it didn't work?

In my downtime until Leo's next potential visit, I brushed up on my trivia. I sat through both seasons of ROTTMNT and watched the whole movie. To say I was traumatized on behalf of Leo and his poor brothers was an understatement. It also let me in on each of their personalities, which I had assumed would be the same as 2012 but were actually quite different. Leo—as always—was my favorite, but gosh all of them were so lovable, especially Mikey. I would love to pinch Mikey's cheeks like an old grandma.

A sparking sound like an electrical outlet going haywire broke my concentration and I looked up to see a familiar blue portal. I jumped to my feet, more excited than I would care to admit, when Leo ran through carrying his younger brother. My joy died as I took in Leo's terror and poor, sweet, innocent Mikey's injured state. I gasped and jumped over the coffee table. Leo looked shocked to see me, but that was quickly replaced by a determined narrow of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling down next to Mikey's body Leo laid on my carpet.

"Hypno hypnotized him and cut him up." The glare Leo pointed towards his brother was clearly directed towards somewhere else. That name sounded familiar. I put my hand on Leo's.

"I'll help your brother. This wasn't your fault." He met my gaze but I wasn't sure he believed me. I didn't give him a chance to respond, instead running for my first aid kit. I'd never had need of it, so pulling it open, I had to take a second to find what I needed. Leo had stood by the time I came back, and he was walking back through the portal with an anxious look back at his brother.

"Take care of him," he said before disappearing. Now it was just me and Mikey. I basically collapsed next to him, throwing the first aid supplies all around me before getting to work. The poor turtle had cuts all over his arms, bruises were starting to appear, his mask was nearly cut off, his bright yellow spots were covered in red, and his usually bright cheery face was pulled into a grimace.

I had taken an EMT class my first semester of college so I should definitely know what I'm doing, right? But every time I tried to think of what I needed to do, the information escaped my grasp. I was panicking. Ok, so I didn't get nationally certified, but I still completed the semester-long class, alright? It was a lot of cramming knowledge in my brain, so some of it should still be there.

Start with what I can see. Is he breathing? I held my hand in front of his mouth and felt the air hit my palm. Yes. Make sure I can get a pulse. I put my fingers to his throat and felt for a pulse. His heart was beating fast, likely from the adrenaline and pain, but no CPR needed. Anything life threatening? I did a quick survey of his body, which held pretty much no clothing so at least I didn't have to do the awkward 'remove the clothes' stage. Nothing looked life threatening, so I just started putting bandages over every spot I could see. I reminded myself not to roll him onto his side until I checked his neck to feel for any step offs of the spine. When I didn't feel anything, I followed the spine as far back into his shell as I could, then gently checked his head for bumps.

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