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Leo stretched his tired arms as the brothers walked away from Splinter and his never-ending training. He understood why it had to happen, but he swore his dad made it as painful as it could be. His stomach growled and he trekked toward the kitchen, hoping to find leftover pizza waiting for him.

Instead, April, Casey, and (Y/N) were laughing as they made something that smelled delicious. (Y/N) had become fast friends with the pair just like his brothers, and he wondered what her special gift was to make her so likable. Figuring that was her gift, like a siren without the deadly aspect, he walked over to see what they were making.

Fat steaks were placed over a griddle, topped with seasonings that he couldn't name, and in the oven lay row upon row of baked potatoes. On the stove were asparagus coated with olive oil and salt and pepper, and (Y/N) pushed them around before removing the pan from heat. Casey asked her how the steaks looked and she pressed a finger into one.

"That feels like medium rare, so you can take them off." Casey did as instructed. (Y/N) noticed Leo and smiled, greeting him warmly.

"What are you making?" he asked like he hadn't just observed everything they were making.

"Lunch for you guys. I figured you'd be hungry after training and you could use a break from pizza."

"That's why I fell in love with you." His flirty words made her freeze, a blush rising to her cheeks.

"What?" she squeaked out.

"You're so considerate, you look out for us," he explained, leaning closer to watch her composure fall apart under his gaze. He wasn't sure why she got so flustered from the truth. He could feel April's gaze on him. "What?" He stepped back and (Y/N) gasped like she couldn't breathe when he was so close.

"I don't know what you see in him," April said, shaking her head at the other girl.

"What doesn't she see in me?" Leo pretended to run a hand through his non-existent hair. April just shook her head and ushered them all out of the way so she could take the potatoes out of the oven.

The three worked in harmony to set everything up, and Leo spread the word by creating portals and telling his brothers to come down to get grub. Soon enough the turtles were seated at a table with plates piled high with steak, potatoes, and asparagus, as well as sour cream, cheese, bacon bits, and a pitcher of juice. Their eyes glowed as they stared at the feast.

"I love you (Y/N)!" Mikey said, his eyes almost watering because of his happiness.

"Love you too Mike," she laughed. "Dig in you guys!"

In a flash, every single plate was cleared and the guys were leaning back with full stomachs and content smiles. (Y/N) jaw dropped as she looked at them all. "I didn't think you were so hungry," she mumbled, a newfound terror as she stared at the bottomless pits sitting at the table. She struggled to collect her thoughts before she clapped. "Well, I'm glad you liked it! And Mike, whenever you want I can show you how to make the lasagna."

"Oh mi gosh, I totally forgot!" The turtle jumped from his spot and appeared in front of her. "Teach me your secrets!"

"We've got to get back to training, Mikey," Leo reminded him, sounding just like a leader.

"Afterwards," Mikey corrected himself.

"You got it." (Y/N) smiled sweetly down at the tiny turtle and Leo felt a weird sensation travel from his heart to his stomach. If he ever read a book, he would've described it as butterflies. Her hairdo was just like the night he met her: frazzled but still mostly intact, and her million-dollar smile was enough to blind him if he stared too long. Her (E/C) eyes held a warmth to them he'd never seen in anyone before, like her heart was too big for her chest, and he felt an overwhelming urge to protect her at all costs. (Y/N) noticed his starstruck expression and smiled at him, and he swore the temperature of the room rose because suddenly it felt way too hot.

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