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With two geniuses working on the teleporter, I figured it would get done in half the time. What I didn't expect was to see them butting heads so much.

"Why wouldn't you use a super capacitor?" Donnie asked, looking at the blueprint on the table.

"Because I can build something better," Donatello shot back, his eye twitching.

"Well you're not going to be able to do that with scrap like this."

"Oh sure, cuz your lab doesn't look anything like this. We're the same person, dumb-dumb!"

"Okay guys, cut it out." I pushed them away from each other before it got violent, then looked down at the blueprint. "We've only got a couple days left, so we need to build this thing fast."

"Couldn't you just portal home?" Donnie asked, innocently curious as he looked at the katana attached to my shell.

"I've been trying. That's what brought me to your world in the first place. Obviously my approach needs some work." I muttered the last bit.

"And I have to ask: what's with the shells?" Donnie pointed at both of our battle shells.

"It keeps us protected," Donatello said, an edge to his voice. I faintly remembered how touchy he got about his soft shell.

"I almost got really injured so D here figured I should have one," I added, trying to calm the tension. Donnie's gaze traveled to my metal hand and I sighed. "Just an accident," I explained.

"Now can we please focus on not ending the world? We're almost done." Donatello turned back to his invention and Donnie sighed before moving to help him. I backed out of the room slowly, making sure they weren't about to start fighting before I left. I'd been able to sleep last night while everyone got acquainted, but their bickering had woken me up. Somehow I thought they'd get along great.

As I walked toward the skate ramp, Mikey and Michael went flying past on skateboards, talking as they did sick tricks and Michael showed him his mystic weapon. They had gotten along beautifully since the beginning, but I supposed their personalities were so similar it was kind of impossible not to.

Raph and Raphael were sparring, clearly excited to have someone they could actually land hard hits onto. Raph was talking crap so the teddy bear in red powered up his mystic jitsu. "That's not fair," Raph complained right before I heard a loud crash.

Leo I found talking to Splinter, and the sight was actually kind of heart-warming. Leo just looked happy to be there, even if this Splinter wasn't his, it was nice to see his sensei again. They were no doubt talking strategy and ninja stuff, so I didn't bother getting closer to hear the conversation.

That left Leon, who I didn't see. Grabbing the katana on my shell, I teleported mine to his, and I found myself on a rooftop. He had his legs dangling over the edge as he watched the city below. It was my first time getting to look down at the people of New York, and my second time ever being outside the sewers. I took a seat next to him, and he quickly grabbed my hand.

"I don't need you falling out here," he said, holding my hand tightly. My gaze softened as I leaned into him, knowing I was just making it worse when I had to leave but my mind didn't care at the moment. With the end so close, I didn't see a point in letting things remain unspoken.

"I'm glad you're not mad anymore."

"Yeah, well, I don't get to see you for much longer so there's not much point."

I frowned. "You know I want to be with you, right?" Silence met my question, and with it came my answer. "I love you, Fearless. But we can't be together, you know that."

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