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"No, Leo, you cannot give her your hand," Donnie's tired voice came from outside Leo's room. I perked up at their conversation, fully aware of them not-so-discreetly hiding right around the corner. They'd left me alone yesterday to recuperate, and other than Donnie stopping by to give me medicine for the pain and Mikey filling me up with tasty food, I was able to just relax and heal. Donnie had told me he was close to finishing his invention for me, and I had a feeling that's what he was walking in here to give me.

"You sure? Because I don't really need it-"

"Why would she want 3 green fingers?" Leo went silent for a moment and Donnie took the opportunity to stroll into Leo's room. I watched him come in with a strange purple contraption in his hands he seemed to be calibrating. Leo followed him, looking none too happy, but kept quiet as he sulked into the corner and sat down.

"This genius invention you're currently wondering how I made is your new hand!" Donnie presented it with a flourish. I slowly blinked. It looked nothing like a hand. "Allow me." He gently grabbed my arm and straightened it out, then compared the purple device to my forearm. It looked like an upside down cupholder, with braces that came back to just above my elbow, and a circular pad over my wrist to cover my wound. On the other side of the pad where my hand would've been sticking out was what almost looked like an indent where a thick key was meant to fit into it.

"It's patented genius, ahem." Donnie grinned, gesturing to his logo on the side. "With its signature sleek purple and genius behind its creation." He looked happier than I'd ever seen him. I smiled as he carefully removed the bandages and gauze around my wrist.

"Thanks Tello." He froze, then looked at me with question marks for eyes. "Oh, sorry, Donatello," I corrected. There almost seemed to be some kind of pride in his smirk.

"You can call me whatever you'd like, my dear." I felt my ears burn at the way he'd said it. Was he flirting?

"Okay, stop it." Leo stood from his spot, marching over to stand between Donnie and I. There was a fire in his eyes as he snatched the invention from his brother. "Why didn't you ask her what color she wanted? Obviously she would've said blue." He pulled the braces on the side out, and the circular pad and ring at the end widened, allowing him to easily slide the contraption onto my arm. He made sure the ring wasn't over my elbow and the pad was flush to my exposed arm, then pushed the braces back in until they clicked into place, locking it snugly around my forearm. I rotated my arm back and forth, looking at it. "Look at you! Basically brand new." Leo's confident grin had cracks in it, no doubt still feeling bad about his role in my need for D's invention.

"Thank you guys." I pulled Leo into a hug which he gladly accepted.

"Well it was mostly me," Donnie mumbled.

"I thought you didn't like hugs." I opened my arms to him too but he shook his head.

"I don't."

"Then stop being salty, dude." Leo stuck his tongue out at Donnie. The younger brother rolled his eyes then opened them wide.

"Wait how'd you know I don't like touching?" His gaze narrowed on me and I swallowed. Was I allowed to tell him I was from another universe? I looked to Leo for help.

"Oh screw it. She's from another universe." Donnie's beady eyes switched from me to his brother then back to me. "Stop looking like that." The blue turtle stepped in front of Donnie's view of me.

"What other way can I look, Nardo?" Smelling a fight coming, I gently touched Leo's thigh—the only part that wasn't his shell I could reach.

"Hey, I'm actually kind of tired. Is there any way I could get some sleep?" The brothers sent each other one last nasty look before Donnie headed for the exit.

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