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"You told her she needed to leave?!" Leo's words only pulled a tired sigh from his brother.

"That's not what I- Are you even listening to me? I said she could cause our universe to be destroyed!" Donnie rubbed his forehead like he was coming down with a headache.

"She's up in my room curled into a ball crying right now!" The younger turtle flinched but masked it with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Oh no, I hurt your totally legit girlfriend's feelings."

Leo's eye twitched. "She told you?"

"I figured it out." Donnie swung around to face the reworked hand upgrade he was planning on giving (Y/N). He tested it out as he heard his brother sigh behind him.

"Explain it to me again. What proof do you have that the universe is even going to explode or whatever?"

Donne spun around to face him, holding onto whatever scrap of patience he could. "Our worlds aren't meant to have people from neighboring ones just hanging out, so because she's here, that can have disastrous consequences. My proof is in that book." He pointed to a thick textbook with 'Quantum Mechanics' on the front. "Not that you'll ever read it."

"I'd read it to prove you wrong." The leader's gaze stayed on the book for a second before returning to the genius. "But this has never happened before! You said it yourself that this is 'unprecedented' and the 'cumulation of decades of theories on relativity'."

"I don't need to prove to you that I'm right because I know I'm right. Besides, all of those theories you're so quick to jest at point out just how cataclysmic this whole situation could end up. Even you should know we don't have much time to get her back in her own universe before it blows up in our faces."

Leo stayed silent an uncharacteristic amount of time before mumbling, "How long do we have?"

"That's the thing: I don't know. Maybe 2 weeks at most." Donnie sighed, frowning at nothing, before picking up a pencil and drawing on a blueprint.

"Wow there is something the great Don Tron doesn't know."

"This is serious Leo. As soon as I finish my portal machine, she's being sent back." A pause as he tapped his chin and examined his drawing. "I'll let you say goodbye but that's it."

"...You would be a great motivational speaker."

"You know what you can do to help? Make a portal." Donnie snapped his goggles back over his eyes and bent over the blueprint, purposely blocking his line of sight. Leo glared at the back of his purple head, then turned with a huff and strode out the door.

Leo sliced the ground and hopped in, landing in his room. The brace upgrade flew in after him before the portal shut, and he picked it up. (Y/N) looked at him but her face remained just as stoic as when he saw her yesterday and the day before. She was sat on his bed, the blankets wrapped around her pale complexion with (H/C) hair sticking out haphazardly. Her skin color worried him, like she'd been on the verge of throwing up for the past hour, and he walked over and crouched to look her in the eyes.

"So I talked to D, and it sounds like he's gonna be working real hard to get you back home!" The forced positivity didn't fool her—a disadvantage to her knowing everything about him. She seemed to get impossibly smaller and her gaze dropped to the floor.

"I'm just glad you don't feel guilty that this is your fault." His chuckle made her look at him, and he dropped the act. "I know you too well."

"I know, and it's frustrating," he grumbled, rubbing his bald head. "I can't even make a portal to your universe!" He concentrated on fitting the key part of the upgrade into her brace, and once it clicked into place, it made a power-up sound and flashed. She focused on it and it obeyed her will, and a small grin broke her empty shell exterior.

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