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The yelling was what woke me up. I sat up in bed, my hands going to my ears to cover them only to be smacked in the face by my own wrist brace. As I rubbed the spot, I spotted Leo at the entrance of his room with his mask off watching the scene down below, and I had to blink to clear the sleep in my eyes. It always took me by surprise whenever they didn't have their masks, like a vital part of them was missing. Without it on, I was able to see his red streaks extend all the way up his face, and it made his black eyes pop.

"Good morning babygirl," Leo said, his cocky smirk adorned on his cheeky face as he winked at me.

"Oh, um, good morning." He couldn't tell my face was burning right? I got out of bed and walked over to see what he was looking at. "What's going on?"

"My brothers fell asleep in the main room playing video games and Dad isn't happy." He snickered and sipped his steaming cup of coffee. Splinter! How had I forgotten about him? A couple stories down, the rat held the signature disapproving father glint in his eye as Mikey and Raph looked down at their toes. "Did I mention you look good in my shirt?" My eyes returned to Leo as he examined my outfit—a plain white t-shirt—and I had to will my face to stay chill. I had just grabbed whatever was available after our spat yesterday, and I felt my mood shift at the thought. I still wasn't happy about what he'd done, but I had turned over a new leaf with him last night, so the past was in the past.

"I should probably change. You have something else I can use until I get my own clothes?" His eyes brightened and he dashed off to grab something. I would ask April when I met her but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't fit her clothes. Leo came back with his basketball player disguise and I grimaced before I could hide my expression.


"Fearless, I'm sorry, but your outfit choice is awful."

"Fearless?" he blinked.

"My fearless leader." I grinned, missing the keen interest he took in my wording. I didn't feel the need to mention the nickname came from the 2012 turtles. Gosh I would love to see the 8 of them hang out.

"I like it." He grinned, his ego getting impossibly bigger at my words. "But what do you mean my outfit choice sucks?"

"Donnie has a better fashion sense than you, and a lot of the time he just wears a hoodie." I put my hand on his shoulder so the insult would hurt less, but his ego loudly deflated at my words. "You're really handsome, but even you can't pull that off." He smirked at my words and I sighed and spoke up before he could say anything about my comment. "Do you have anything else?"

"Hmm." He tossed the clothes over his shoulder and darted back to his closet. He pulled out a shirt with the words 'Mad Dogz' on it, reminding me of the emblem on Raph's wallet. He showed it to me and I nodded, so he tossed it over then grabbed some of the same black shorts he wore and tossed that too. He stood watching me for a long moment before I spun my finger in a circle to tell him to turn around.

He spun and started stripping. A fleeting millisecond of panic shot through me before I remembered he normally didn't wear clothes. He was changing into his regular outfit of almost nothing. I pulled my shirt over my head then looked down at my cute bra, the memory of wearing it for my date with Mateo flashing through my mind. I sighed before unclipping it and tossing it on top of Leo's shirt. I covered my chest with my bum arm just in case Leo was peeking as I reached down to put the Mad Dogz shirt on.

I had just slipped my leggings off when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I whirled around to see Splinter standing with his eyebrow raised, looking at my lack of clothing with displeasure. I let out a squeak as I tried to cover up, and the next second Leo was standing in front of me.

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