⚅Eleven⚄ (MATURE)

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Skip if you don't like the nasty (and do keep in mind both characters are adults)

I felt like I had a fever as my whole body burned, and when he set me on the bed, I realized this was really happening. How had it even happened? I was so bad with relationships, yet here I was under Leo as he pulled off his gloves and socks, then unclipped his belt. I found myself looking away, wondering how I was supposed to do this. For one, I'd accidentally read that turtle's have a bigger dick-to-body ratio than other animals, so I was already worried. But mostly I thought I wouldn't be good enough for him. I'd admired him since I was a kid watching him on the TV, so it felt like I was in my idol's arms and I was unworthy.

Leo noticed my hesitance and paused, tilting my head up to look at him. "What's wrong?" His voice was soft, and I found myself sighing.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to disappoint you."

"You can't." His sincerity reached my heart and I felt the rapid beating slow. "Besides, I've already snuck some peeks and I love everything about you."

"You're just saying that cuz you're horny."

He let out a laugh. "I am, but I am serious. I can control myself around you, I just don't want to." His gaze turned hungry as he looked down at my chest, which I just noticed was clearly visible through the shirt. It might as well have not been there at all. "I do like you (Y/N)."

"Like actually? Like you want to date for real?" My eyes glowed as he chuckled. I heard Donnie's music crank up to 11 but the noise went unnoticed as I stared at my favorite turtle.

"Sure babygirl." He laid a hand on my shoulder to push me down onto the bed. I pulled him by his shell until our noses were touching, and he smirked. "Impatient are we?" He was answered with a kiss, which he seamlessly molded into as he lay between my legs. My thighs held his shell in place as his hands traveled under my shirt, leaving a tingly feeling everywhere he touched. I cupped his face gently as our mouths moved in sync, until I felt him grab my breast and I let out a gasp.

He chuckled as he pulled away, using his hands to push the shirt up and over my head, leaving my chest completely bare. At this point my face was a permanent shade of red as he smirked at the sight, drinking it in for a long moment before his lips were back on mine.

"If I start moving too fast, tell me to slow down okay?" His words came out in pants, like he had to hold himself back from tearing my clothes off. I bit my lip and met his concentrated gaze.

"Take me Fearless." His eyes went wide, and for a second he sat there, unsure if I was actually giving him permission to claim me. But at my innocent smile, his expression grew devilish and he hooked his fingers around my shorts.

"Haré más que esa, mi amor." I felt a shiver run up my mind at the sexy words, and with a quick tug, my shorts were tossed off to the side. He pressed his pelvis to mine, and I could feel his erection pressing against my entrance. Every slight movement caused friction between my legs, and my legs shook a little with anticipation.

His arms boxed me in as he looked down at me, a look of intense lust on his face. I'm sure I looked the same, eyes wide with silently pleading to demolish me. He placed hot kisses on my lips, then trailed them down to my collarbone. I felt the air leave my lungs as he bit down, making me yelp and squeeze his shell with my thighs. He sucked on the spot then pulled back, admiring the bruised spot before placing a kiss over it then bringing his lips back to mine.

One of his hands traveled to my breast, and he squeezed it in his much larger hand, earning a gasp from me which he used to deepen the kiss. His fingers pinched the tip of my nipple and I squeaked, accidentally rubbing him through his shorts. He let out a soft moan.

Pulling back, his head moved to capture one of my nipples in his mouth, lightly sucking on it. My head tilted back into the pillow as I moaned, my hands playing with the tail of his bandana. He made a pleased noise before switching to the other breast, making me gasp and let out a breathy, "Fearless..." His eyes met my half-lidded ones, and he smirked. He reached to pull my underwear down, and at the lack of clothing, I felt my pussy clench. He must've felt my excitement because he was quick to grab a condom out of the bedside table. He pulled down his shorts and I felt my jaw drop as he rolled the condom on, watching my amazement with pride. Well, I guess his hypothesis would be tested after all.

"Quiero oírte gritar mi nombre." His sultry voice made me swoon underneath him, but then he leaned down so his mouth was right next to my ear. "I want my brothers to know who's fucking you this good." Then he thrusted into me.

I felt my pussy clench at the giant dick that was shoved into me, but after the initial shock wore off, I couldn't help the moans tumbling out of my mouth. At the sound of my pleasure, Leo sped up so he was pounding into me. His rhythm was perfect, and with every stroke I felt my pleasure heighten. His hand trailed down my leg until it was under my thigh, then he gently pushed it up until my ankle was on his shoulder.

"Oh, Leo!"

"Si, babygirl. Tell them who you belong to."

With the sound of Donnie's music drowning me out, I let out a loud, "Leonardo!"

"Oh fuck," he breathed, his pace quickening. "You feel so good." I grabbed onto his plastron as my body shook with the force of his thrusts, letting out a soft moan every time he hit my G-spot. "You keep moaning like that and I'm gonna cum," he groaned out. I opened my eyes to look at him. He had his muscly arms propped up on either side of me while the bed rocked with the shift of his hips, and the look of pure bliss on his face made me fall for him all over again.

"Oh, Leo, it feels so good," I whispered, and he moaned as his pace became sloppy. I felt my own climax approach and I held his arms tightly as I tipped up over the edge. "Leonardo!" At the feeling of my orgasm, he quickly followed me as the waves of pleasure rolled through our bodies.

"Fuck, (Y/N)." His movements stilled as I heard his pants next to my ear. We both took a second to ride out the high before he carefully pulled out of me. I felt dazed as I watched him dispose of the condom and look down at his flustered girl, a cocky grin on his face. "You somehow look even better now." I felt my ears burn as I scrambled to go clean myself up with the tissues next to the bed and put on his shirt. He admired my butt as I walked back to his bed, then he sat down next to me after pulling on his shorts. "Aftercare cuddles?" he asked, opening his arms.

"Please." I happily snuggled into his arms, and he held me there for a long while.

I never thought I'd be happy like this, let alone dating a ninja turtle of all things. But he'd always been my favorite, and he'd won my heart long ago. If Donnie was right about the feelings being fake, I don't know what I'd do. 

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