"Presentation" Ch. 0

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[Isaac Narration]
So i've been kinda dating Scott since i was 15, he's like 2 inches taller than me, he likes sports... Taking photos... And some stuff more aswell, and well, his hair is black...

God i sound really cutesy to be honest... I mean i do think he's pretty hot, even tho many people won't find him the same. He's bisexual and uh... He really likes me, or atleast that's what i think... Talking about that, why would he even like someone like me...?

[Scott Narration]
Yeah, i'm dating Isaac, like since year 10? He's a cute little guy who stresses a lot over simple stuff, i kinda get the urge to protect him by how cute he looks. Heh.

His hair is dark brown and he's like a foot smaller than me (Or atleast from my point of view). He likes staying around home, Playing videogames, having sleepovers... Kissing... Damn, i love that man so much... Even though it may not seem like that he's actually suffering from low autosteem, depression and anxiety. I help him get over all of that... But erm, let's forget about that shall we? He's openly gay since 13 years old, which i like about him, it took me until i was 15 to figure it out. I really love him and i'm pretty sure he feels the same. I do think he doesn't know why i love him that much, uh from his mental stuff. Did i mention i love him? Well that's about it i think.

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