"Just Some Days" Ch. 2-5 & 2-6

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[Scott POV]
I was with Isaac on his room, he was apparently reading a book, i got curious about it so i wanted to ask.

Scott: "What you're reading?"

Isaac looked startled, guess i broke his focus.

Isaac: "It's a graphic novel about 2 boys who fall in love, i gotta say it reminds me to us."

Scott: "Seems cool, i haven't read a book in atleast 3 years?"

Isaac: "You should try reading more."

Scott: "It's hard finding something that actually interests me."

Isaac: "I guess you're just picky then."

Scott: "Ouch, so that's how things are gonna be now."

Isaac: "Thinking about it i don't really picture you reading at all, i've always seen you like a sports man."

Scott: "I don't want you to think that i only like sports!"

Isaac: "You're on a scholar team, Scott."

Scott: "That doesn't mean anything!"

Isaac: "Shake my head..."

Scott: "You know, i think i've always associated you with nerd guy vibes."

Isaac: "I guess you're kinda right?"

Scott: "Probably."

[Isaac POV]
So i was chatting with Scott, it's my birthday this friday.


Hey it's kinda my birthday this friday, and i wanted you to come to a small kinda party with our friends on that day

Are you kidding? How would i miss that!

Ty ❤️

[Isaac POV]
I was choosing something to put on, i didn't want to put on something with small sleeves, i think my arms are too skinny and look pretty bad.

I just put something with long sleeves, i think is better that way.

I hear the bell ringing so i come downstairs to open the door, i see Scott on the other side.

Isaac: "Hey!"

Scott: "Hey! How's the birthday boy?"

Isaac: "I'm fine."

Scott: "Oh right, put this on!"

Scott pulled out a party hat from his pocket and he puts it on my head.

Isaac: "Aw."

He enters and we sit down on the couch and start talking on our usual way, he puts a topic and i answer, he talks a lot but i don't talk that much, i love listening him though, he's just the perfect guy with a cool life.

A few minutes later i hear the bell ringing again.

Isaac: "I open."

Scott: "I'll come with ya."

I open the door and see Fritz, James and Alice, they probably crossed on their way to my house and walked together, it's not like our houses are that far apart anyway.

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