"Protective" Ch. 1-2

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[Scott POV]
I've been getting along with this guy called Isaac, he seems like a good person, even though he's anxiety-ridden as hell. I'm going to invite him to go to like my house to hang out, i do have more friends to hang out with, from my last school, but i wanna be friends with Isaac a bit more. About him, i heard rumors that he got bullied on his last school because of his sexuality, apparently he's gay, i don't really mind, judging is like really bad!

[Isaac POV]
I was minding my own business, picking up my stuff after classes, when Scott talked to me, this is how the conversation went

Scott: "Hey pal."

Isaac: "Hey."

Scott: "So uhm i was kinda wondering, do you wanna go to my house and hang out?"

I was ecstatic about that, my friend (Who i actually liked) was asking me to go to his house? Dear lord.

Isaac: "Oh, sure, t-that'd be good...!"

Scott: "Well, see you at the exit Isaac."

[Scott POV]
I'm on the school exit, waiting for Isaac, he won't be that late, even though he's usually one of the last on leaving after school.

[Isaac POV]
I'm on the supplies closet, they have locked me again here, i-i didn't say anything about my sexuality on this school, yet, the bullies have heard the rumors and now they're taking action... Just as the homophobes they are, they called me horrible things. I wanna talk to Scott, he didn't leave without me right? I tried to call him, but i've got no signal inside here... Somebody... Come help me!

[Scott POV]
Something's wrong, i know it, it's been an hour already, he must be stuck on school, i'm going to search for him, after all, he's my friend

I searched thought the entire place looking for Isaac, until i found him laying on the supplies closet, locked. I unlocked the door and opened it, he was crying in desperation.


Isaac: "S-Scott? SCOTT!"

I hugged him in a try to calm him, he was shivering and crying from all the stress.

Scott: "There there, it's gonna be fine..."

I said as i tried to calm Isaac, i felt really sorry for him.

Scott: "Now, tell me, who the fuck did this to you?!"

Isaac: "I-i uhm... It was Mathew and his group, y-you don't have to intervene, i-"

Scott: "What? Why wouldn't i intervene, you're my friend, i don't want you to feel bad."

Isaac: "You consider me a friend...? Thank you for that... You're like the ONLY person that i can actually talk with at peace, thank you so much."

Scott: "It's just fine..."

Isaac dried his tears, and i helped him stand up.

Scott: "... Hey! You still gotta go to my house! Come on!"

Isaac: "Yes, of course... I'll follow."

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