"Coming Out" Ch. 1-9

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[Scott POV]
I thought i wasn't ready to declare as something, i think it was a bit too exaggerated to tell them like that, but that indeed helped me get more confident about my sexuality to be honest.

We're getting close to the scholar trip, it happens every 2 years, and it was casually the year me and Isaac entered this school, it's a trip to México this year. (We are on USA if you didn't know), it's on November so we still got a month until that happens, but they are already getting the plans done."

Anyways Isaac and me are dating and that's awesome, i'd love to brag about it everywhere, but i just don't feel like i could handle a public announcement at the moment.

[Isaac POV]
It's been a week since Scott and me started dating, i couldn't be happier now that i have him by my side. I think my parents are happy that i'm happier now, even though they don't know that me and Scott are dating. I'm thinking on telling them when Scott tells me it's fine.

We are sitting at a table in the cafeteria, i can see Scott's friend Alice looking for a table, she then stops on our table and sits down.

Alice: "Hello, Scottie."

Scott: "Hello, but i told you not to call me Scottie!"

Alice: "Oh, i'm sorry~"

Scott looked ashamed.

Alice: "Who's your little friend here."

She points at me with her thumb, while still looking at Scott. I knew Scott wanted her to stop flirting with him.

Scott: "Oh, that's just my boyfriend."

I looked at him proud.

Alice looked confused and nervious.

Alice: "Ha, f-funny joke, now what your friend's name."

Scott: "His name is Isaac, but he IS my boyfriend."

Alice looked defeated. Like if something inside her broke.

Alice: "T-that's cool, you didn't tell m-me you are gay!"

Scott: "Oh i'm not, i'm kinda uhm bisexual."

Alice: "I see..."

We just stayed quiet the whole time, Alice looked way sadder the whole day, but either way we ate together, i didn't eat to be honest, i was feeling full.

[Scott POV]
That might stop Alice from trying to conquer me. I was getting sick of it, but she's a good friend after all, so it's okay.

After classes i was walking home with Isaac.

Scott: "Hey, i've been thinking about it and uh... I think it's not a bad idea that i actually come out."

Isaac: "Oh, that's the spirit, but are you sure you are cool with your sexuality and all?"

Scott: "Yeah i've been considering it a lot, i think it's time."

Isaac: "I'm really so proud of you, my dear."

Scott: "I thought you said you didn't want me to call you like that!"

Isaac: "But i'm not you right?"

We laughed about it, then stayed silent, i looked that Isaac looked a bit worried.

Isaac: "I was thinking... My dad is homophobic, i don't know how he would react if i told him i have a boyfriend."

Scott: "Hey, i'm sure it's gonna be alright!"

Isaac: "... I guess..."

I wanted to cheer him up, so i thought about something.

Scott: "Hey, what about we go on a date, just us."

Isaac: "Oh, i'd really like that, i've never been on a date."

Scott: "Neither me. It would be this saturday."

Isaac seemed to cheer up, UGH, MAN HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE!

We arrived at Isaac's house, which is a bit closer to the school than mine.

Isaac: "Until that day then!"

Scott: "Until that day."

I walked home alone, i waa excited* but also thinking a lot, what would be the plan...

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