"New Phase" Ch. 2-1

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Part 2 Name:
Lovey Dovey
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[Isaac POV]
It's wednesday, the winter break started so i don't have many things to do at all, that would be if my brother didn't arrive today from college, uh i think you've seen the conversation with him from 2 hours ago, my mom already went to pick him up on the station cuz he already arrived (he came in a bus).

It passed 10 minutes and i heard the bell ringing, my dad was busy so i went downstairs to open.

It was Scott, i was actually surprised he came to my house right now, i thought he said he'd come tomorrow!

Scott: "Hey!"

Isaago, my mom already went to pick him up on the station cuz he already arrived (he came in a bus).

It passed 10 minutes and i heard the bell ringing, my dad was bussy so i went downstairs to open.

It was Scott, i was actually surprised he came to my house right now, i thought he said he'd come tomorrow!
ac: "Hey! What are you doing here? I thought you said you'd come tomorrow!"

Scott: "Oh yeah, i had nothing to do today so i just thought it would be fun to come around today!"

Isaac: "Well then, uh my mom is out to pick up my brother."

Scott: "Then i came just in time!"

I heard my dad talking from the kitchen.

Connor (Isaac's Dad): "Who is it, son?"

Isaac: "Oh it's just Scott!"

Connor: "He came here? Well you've never actually introduced him to me."

Isaac: "Oh right!"

I took Scott with me to the kitchen where i introduced him to my dad.

Isaac: "Dad, he's Scott, my boyfriend, dad, Scott, Scott, dad."

Scott: "It's uhm a pleasure sir."

Connor: "It's good to meet you, son."

He treats him better than he treats me, that's why i don't really like my dad, he's normally an asshole to me, but when there's visits he calls me son and he even talks to me like he loved me, guess he's just a hypocrite.

The bell ringed once again, it must be my mom with my brother this time.

Isaac: "I'll open."

And so i opened the door again and it was indeed my mom with my brother, as soon as i saw him i quickly ran to hug him.

Isaac: "Dylan, i missed you!"

Dylan: "I know bro, i missed you too."

Elisa (Isaac's Mom): "You're being so cute, boys!"

Isaac: "I suppose... Do i help with your stuff bro?"

Dylan: "Sure, go for it!"

[Scott POV]
I was on the kitchen with Isaac's dad, it was kinda tense even though he acted good with me, he didn't seem that bad as Isaac told me to be honest.

Scott: "Can i help with something, sir?"

Isaac's dad was cooking, something that seemed like a sort of stew? My dad usually does a lot of those, he says it reminds him to what my grandma used to make him.

Connor: "Sure, uh... Help me cutting these vegetables if it's not a problem."

Scott: "Alright."

As i was cutting i saw Isaac's dad put his hand on his face and pinch his forehead, he looked stressed about something.

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