"Final Plans" Ch. 2-3

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[Scott POV]
So i visited Isaac on new year, mostly to give him a new year kiss! There's not much to tell about that day, it went pretty normal.

In 2 days we enter classes again, so the people on the trip group made a plan to go bowling before the vacations are over.

And so we went to a bowling alley, only Nate and Alice couldn't go, which is sad, but not everyone is always available always you know? They said they were just returning from holiday trips.

But there were Jane, Fritz, James, Eli, Hazel and Emma, not counting me and Isaac.

We got close to where they were when we arrived.

Jane: "Hey, Isott, you're fashionably late!"


Jane: "Don't all couples need a couple name?"

Scott: "For real Jane? Isott?"

Jane: "Yeah yeah, chill down, we're just putting the names on the board."

The board was filled with fun nicknames, i didn't recognize which was which!

So i just put my name, and Jane inmediatly stops me.

Jane: "No, no, write a nickname, don't be boring man!"

Scott: "Alright..."

Isaac: "I'll pick it up for you!"

Scott: "Oh, thanks then."

I watched Isaac write "The Scooter".

Scott: "The Scooter, seriously?"

Isaac: "Then pick up my name Scooter guy."

Scott: "Alright."

I wrote what first came to my mind, apparently "Ice Sack".

Isaac: "That's just how you pronounce my name!"

Scott: "It was my best, i'm no good at nicknames!"

Jane: "Alright Mr. The Scooter and Mr. Ice Sack then we gonna start."

Hazel: "My name is first on the list so..."

Hazel's nickname was "Hazelnut" so creative indeed.

She scored 3/10, which is good enough.

The round followed with everyone, there's a list of the names if you actually care.

Hazelnut - Hazel
NoNickname - Eli
JayJay - Jane
WhatTheFritz - Fritz
Emerald - Emma
James - James (He didn't choose a nickname)
TheScooter - Scott
IceSack - Isaac

Who came out with these names for real? Anyways, we were playing.

It was my turn and i scored 10/10 like it was easy.

Jane: "Wow, you're definitely gonna win."

Isaac: "You're definitely cheating!"

Scott: "How can i cheat at bowling?"

Isaac: "You have strong arms... That's a huge advantage..."

Scott: "I thought you liked my arms."

Isaac: "They're good but you can even lift me, that's unfair for all of us!"

Scott: "PFFT-"

Jane: "Isaac stop being gay and come here, it's your turn!"

Isaac: "Oh, right!"

It was Isaac's turn, he barely could lift the ball but he scored 5/10, which is good for him!

He sat down with me again.

Isaac: "I don't think i stand a chance..."

Scott: "Well, you're not the lowest score..."

Isaac: "Hm, you're right."

Scott: "You need to start believing in yourself more.'

Isaac: "It's not that easy, i'm pretty much terrible at almost everything..."

Scott: "... You know i love you right?'

Isaac: "Yes i do... Even when i don't know why..."

Scott: "I've told you there's not a why, you don't need to be logical with love!"

Isaac: "Maybe."

We enjoyed the rest of the game, i actually ended up in second place, Jane ended up winning because i messed up one round because the ball got in the rails.

Hazel: "We should do this more often!"

Eli: "Probably."

We went home after the whole game was over.

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