"The Party" Ch. 1-6

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TW//Homophobic Slurs//
[Isaac POV]
Me and Scott were on class, when he goes and tells me:

Scott: "Hey would you want to go to a friend's birthday party?"

Isaac: "I-i... Oh... Yeah! It could be fun."

Scott: "As far as you're there, it will be fun, atleast for me."

I giggled a bit

Isaac: "I'll follow you after school right?"

Scott: "Right."

After a little time skip i was preparing to leave school.

Scott: "Hey i should be with you when you're leaving, i don't want you to get locked up again."

Isaac: "Oh cool... But i think you should wait, a bit here for a bit. Those guys usually... Wait for me to leave"

Scott: "Kay, i'll wait up here, i'll go to you when i hear them."

Isaac: "Thank you."

I leave the classroom, they were waiting up for me.

Mathew: "Took you long enough, f**got"

Mathew and his 2 friends, Jonah and Lucas were laughing.

Isaac: "I'm not gonna let you guys do this everyday."

Mathew "Aw... And what will you do about it?"

Mathew looked at his friends

Mathew: "You know you're just some fucking f*g"

I was reaching a big stress point, i was mad, where was Scott at the whole situation?

They started to hit me and kick me while i was on the floor, until Scott came.


Mathew: "Huh?"

Scott punched Mathew and his friends stopped hitting me.

Mathew: "Aw, you have come to save your boyfriend, Scott."

Isaac: "H-he's not my-"

Lucas: "Shut up!"

Lucas kicked me once, Scott was mad as fuck.

Scott: "He's not my boyfriend, but he's my friend, now leave him!"

Mathew: "Tch, fine, we'll stop for now."

Mathew: "Come on lads, we'll continue another day."

Mathew's friends sighed and followed Mathew over.

Scott: "You okay Isaac?"

Isaac: "Y-yes thanks for helping me with that."

Scott: "No problem, now PARTY TIME."

Isaac: "Shit i totally forgot!"

Scott: "Come on pal, just follow me."

Isaac: "Sure!"

[Scott POV]

I was walking with Isaac to Fritz's party on his house, it was pretty close to school.

Scott: "So... I promise those bastards won't go near you, after they saw i'm protecting you."

Isaac: "I sure hope, this weeks have been truly awful because of 'em. Thank you."

Scott: "No need to thank me."

Scott: "..."Aw, you have come to save your boyfriend, Scott."? Seriously, how annoying they are."

Isaac: "... Yes..."

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