chp 1

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An pov
26 years old A cute little angel is sleeping without caring anything around him he is so cute he has two angelic eyes honey lips making cute little pout it feels like he is the most beautiful boy on this whole earth
But one thing about him he is sad and depressed his angelic eyes hold alot of  tears he miss his eomma appa who left him when he was little he start to live with his uncle who abused and beat him alot who send him to club as a slut of other boys at first his aunt used to save him but then his uncle kill his aunt and blame it on this pure soul and told everyone that this cute angel boy didn't gave his wife food and she died
This cute boy bear alot in this world he only have two friends in this big world whom he trust the most whom he think as his family his parents his besties and his everything they both know how jimin live with his uncle even they offered him to live with them but he refused saying i don't wanna become burden on you two
And yeah these two boys are married

*On the other side*

A cold hearted grumpy cat face boy is sleeping but suddenly his phone ring
"What the f*ck you want?"??he speak coldly
"S--sir pls come to com--company mr min is calling you"boy said while getting scared
"Coming"he speak in cold voice

An pov
You must be thinking who is he??
He is min suga a mafia king he is cold hearted hate this world loves no one
Why he become so cold you will get to know soon let it be a suspense

"On the other side"
"Get up you slut go and earn money for me"??? said
"U--uncle i am going"???said
"You park slut jimin if i will not get money than no one will be worse then me"uncle said as he slap jimin hard making him fell on floor
"I---i will e---earn"he said as he get up and went to fresh up

In washroom with pjm
"Why my life is like this first eomma appa left and then aunt no one is here with my expect my kookie and tae only they loves me i am tired of my life now i hate this"he said as he take his shirt off
He have so many cuts on his whole body expect his wrist.
"It feels so good to cut myself when no one loves me everyone hate me why god why i hate this world why didn't you take me expect of eomma appa i hate this world"he said while crying and make one more cut on his stomach and it start to blood
"Ahhhh blood flowing feels so good i loved it now i will get fresh up or else he will beat me again"he said as he start to take bath
Time skips
In dinning room
"Why are you here slut?"uncle said
"I--i am hun---hungry"jimin said
"You are not going to get anything to eat go from here"uncle said as he grab jimin's hair tightly pulling them
"Ahhhhh l--leave me ---pl-----please"jimin said in begging voice
His uncle leave him as he ran out of house to go to college
You must be thinking that he go to college so how can he earn money his uncle made him to do part-time job.

In college
Jimin wear his daily fake smile
He is walking but then

"Hey baby boy how are you?"??? said
"Kevin leave me i already told you i am not interested in you so leave me alone please"jimin said as he start to walk but Kevin came in his way
"You slut gold digger how dare you to reject me"Kevin said as he start ti ebat jimin
But then
"STOP IT"??? Shout
Kevin ran away from their leaving jimin laying on floor crying hard
"You okay chimmy?"??? Said in worried tone
"T---taehyung"jimin passed out
Taehyung take him to infirmary
After sometimes jimin got conscious
"Chim bub you okay?"??? Asked
"I a--am fine kookie"jimin said as he smiles weakly making taekook said seeing his situation
Whole day went like this jimin felt so weak but he can't do anything expect of saying i am fine

In home
Jimin come home as he can't go to part-time job he was feeling weak

"Slut come here"his uncle calls him
"Yeah u--uncle"jimin said
"Where is my money?"uncle said while standing up and grabbing jimin's hair
"I---i didn't w---went to pa---part-time j---job t---today"jimin said while shuttering
His uncle was about to slap him but

"Ring ring ring"
His phome rings
"Hello yeah ohhh hoe are you mr min?"uncle said
"I am also fine what you want my son okay no problem i will ask him yeah he is jimin okay okay thanks in which restaurant okay bye"uncle said
He cutted the call

"Listen slut my friend mr min want you to marry his son min suga he is mafia king so better say yes to them or elseyou know what will happen and get ready at 7 we are going to meet them at xxx restaurant"uncle said
"O--okay"jimin said as he went up stairs to fresh up
In washroom with jimin
"Why do i have to marry a mafia now what if he beats me no jimin think positive i think i am going to get a happy life now no more sores i will tell tae and kookie after coming back"jimin said
After sometimes
He fresh up and went donw stairs
Luckily his uncle is not at home so he can make food for himself
He made noodles and start to eat it while watching t.v.

Time skips to 6:30
Jimin is sleeping on couch yeah he slept while watching t.v.
Suddenly his phone ring
He wake up and saw his uncle's call he pick it up
"Jimin my son my baby come to restaurant fast baby we are waiting for you"uncle said
"I am c--coming"jimin said as he cuts call to get ready

Jimin pov:
He is behaving so sweetly i think he is with mr min that's why he is behaving like this let's get ready or else he will again beat me for being late

Time skips
In restaurant
Jimin come to mr min and his uncle
"He is my son jimin"uncle said
"Hi u--uncle how are you?"jimin said to mr min
"I am fine son come and sit"mr min said
Jimin sit on the chair while looking down
"Jimin son what you do?"mr min asked
"I study uncle in college and do a part-time job too"jimin said
"Why part-time job?"mr min asked
"U--uncle th----(cut off)
"I always says him not to do part-time job but he says i don't wanna become burden on you so"uncle said with fake smile
"Ohhh you are good boy jimin"mr min said as he smiles

After sometimes
Mr min sons came
"Appa"suga said in cold voice
"Ohhh you come he is my son min suga"mr min said
"Hello"suga said in his cold voice
"Suga he is jimin sit with him"mr min said
"Umm okay"suga said as he sit besides jimin

Suga pov
When i come to restaurant i saw a boy sitting their looking down he is so cute but i don't like him such a slut who wants my property when he look at me i saw his eyes he has angelic eyes which are holding so much emotions what happened to me i can't fell for him he is a slut i will never fell for him
End of pov

"So suga as i tell you you are goingto marry jimin"mr min said
"Yes appa"suga said in cold voice
"Jimin son you will marry him right?"mr min asked
"Y--yeah uncle"jimin said
How dare he said yes can't he say no such a slut now i have to marry him.
"Okay so after one week it's your both marriage"mr min said
"Okay"yoonmin said

Jimin pov:
When mr min sons came he look like a cold guy he has cat face he is speaking coldly but i think he is so warm from inside i hope my life will get better after my marriage
End of pov

Time skips after one week
In this week jimin uncle didn't beat him as if he will beat him then jimin will look weak in his marriage so he didn't beat him
In hall
Suga pov:
Jimin come with his uncle he is looking so beautiful that i can't take mu eyes off from him his uncle come to me and gave his hand

"Min yoongi do you take park jimin as your lawful husband?"priest asked
"Yes i do"suga said
"Park jimin do you take min yoongi as your lawful husband"priest asked
"Yes i do"jimin said
"You can kiss now"priest said

Whta the heck he said kiss this slut no way but i have to do it
Suga hold jimin's waist and place a soft his on his forehead

Jimin pov
When priest said you can kiss now my heart skipped a beat but then he hold me and kiss my forehead softly if feels so good

Suga pov:
I kiss his forehead he looks so shy
Don't worry park jimin
I will make your life hell😼

That's it for today
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