chp 6

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Suga pov
I was driving car with full speed but then a truck come infront of my car and then *thud*
My car got crashed
The last word i said is save my jiminie

On the other side

Jimin pov
I was sleeping then i open my eyes i found myself in the basement where am I?
End of pov

After thinking a little jimin finally remember where is he jimin was in his own thoughts when

"Hey baby boy"jack said while touching jimin's face
"Stop touching me"jimin said while moving his face so jack can't touch
"What if I will not?"jack said
"You --- my suga will come in sometimes then u will regret kidnapping me"jimin said
"Ohh ur suga sorry to say but he is in the hospital"jack said while smirking
"W--what?no you are ly--lying"jimin said while being worried
"Don't beleive me then see by your own eyes"jack said as he shows video of suga's car crashing with truck
After seeing video jimin eyes become teary
"He is dead now"jack said while laughing


"HE ISN'T"??? shouts from behind
"Y--you"jack said while shivering by now
"H--hobi hyung"jimin said
"I am here jiminie don't worry hyung will save you and don't worry ur suga is also ok"jhope said
"You think u can kill me GUARDS!!"jack shout but no one came
"Tsk!!your game is over you useless whore"jhope said as he shoot jack in his head

Then he untied jimin from chair and went out of the room with jimin

In car

"Hobi hyung how did u know that I am here??"jimin asked

Flash back

Jhope pov
I was going to buy coffee for me when i saw a car crash with a truck i run towards car and see my old friend suga laying there i picked him when he is saying pls save my jiminie he somehow tell me that where is jimin and i first drop suga to hospital and then went to save jimin

An note
Jhope is also mafia and jimin also know about it

After sometimes they reach to hospital
Jimin directly went to reception and ask about suga receptionist said that they are doing operate on him so jimin stand out of the room while crying his eyes out

After sometimes jhope also come and suga's parents also come

"Where is he?"mr min asked
"He is inside the ICU"jhope said
"Jiminie stop crying he will be fine"mr min said as he hugs jimin who start to cry even more in his embrace

After sometimes doctor comes out

"Is he okk?"jimin asked
"He is all fine and he is calling jimin who is jimin here?"doctor asked
"Me"jimin said while wipping his tears
"You can go inside"doctor said
Jimin wents inside the room

"H--hyung"jimin said as he sits beside suga and took his big hands in his owns and kiss it
"You okk?"jimin said
"I a--am f--fine"suga said
"I was really w--worried for u"jimin said while crying
"Who sa--saved y--you?"suga asked
"Hobi hyung"jimin said

They talk a little more and then suga sleep cause he need rest

Time skips after 2 months

In this 2 months jimin took alot of care of suga alot he don't let him move nor let him do any work so that hid wounds can heal soon

"HYUNGGGGGGG"jimin whined
"Jimin let me do my work"suga said
"Pls Let me go"jimin said while showing his famous puppy eyes which suga can't resist
"Ahhh fine go but come back soon"suga said

You must be thinking where jimin is going so he wanna meet taekook suga didnt let him go cause he dont want jimin to go alone but jimin is so stubborn so at last suga accept his defeat and let jimin go actually in these 2 months jimin didnt went to college as he have to take care of suga so he never meet taekook

At taekook home

Jimin rings bell

*ding dong*

Tae open door

"Woahhh what a surprise jiminie"tae said as he hugs jimin
"Tae who came?"jk said
"Jiminie"tae said
They went inside house

"Ya you bunny its me"jimin said as he hugs jungkook
"Ya I am not a bunny"jungkook said as he hugs back jimin and spank him
"Yaa"jimin said as he break hug and rub his butt
"Tae ur husband spank me"jimin said while complaining to tae like a little child
"Aigoo he will not do it again right jeon jungkook"tae said while glaring at jungkook who glups
"Yeah i w--will not"jungkook said
"I wanna eat something yummy yummy"jimin said
"Okk we will order something"tae said
"You know hyung dont let me eat outside food"jimin said while pouting like a baby looking so adorable
"Aigoo dont pout minnie we will eat today"tae said
Time skips to 5:00 pm
"Okay now I am going bye"jimin said as he hugs taekook who hug him back and after that jimin went to his home

Jimin pov
I was going home when I saw suga wait what is he doing here?
End of pov

Jimin wents to him

"H-hyung"jimin said as suga turns to him
"Jiminie what are you doing here?"suga asked
"I am the one who have right to ask this what are you doing here?"jimin said
"Ohh that i was making food and ingrediants were finished so i came here come now let's go together"suga said as they both start to walk
"H-hyung"jimin said
"Yeah minnie"suga said

"Actually taekook were saying that we will go to club can I al---(cut off)
"Don't even think that i will let you go"suga said
"But----suga again cutted him
"No means no minnie you aren't going anywhere understand"suga said sternly
"Yeah"jimin said while being a little sad

To be continue
Now tell me
Jimin will go to the club or not?
If he will go then suga will come to know or no??
Do comments down
Your wwc author💕
And pls do appreciate my hard work no one do comments and I am really sad about it even after saying i know no one will still not do it's useless😞

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