chp 3

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"Wtf tae are you out of your mind"jimin said
"No jimin you should do something he will surely get jealous and love you"tae said
"You think he will love me he hate me more than anything he calls me slut gold digger you think it's really easy to hear all the things"jimin said in sad tone
"Ya stop it guys let's go to class"kookie said
Three of them went to class

In class
Tae and kookie enter the class but when jimin was about to enter someone throw water on him which make him all wet and it's already very cold

"Wth who did this?"tae said
"It's fine tae leave it"jimin said as he run out of the class to change his clothes as he has extra clothes in his drawer

Jimin was running but suddenly he slipped as he was all wet from toe to head so he slipped tae and kook was also coming behind him

"Ahhhh my leg"jimin groaned in pain and hold his leg
"What's happening here?"??? Said

Jimin pov
When we went to class someone throwed water on me which makes me all wet i run out of the class but when i was running i got slipped and my leg got hurt but then i heared a voice whixh gives me shiver down my spine it's voice of my husband min yoongi i look up and saw him staring at me but then taekook come

"Jimin you okay?"tae asked
"My leg it hurts"jimin said in almost crying voice
"Show me what happened?"suga said in cold voice
"O--okay"jimin said as he pull his pants up and their was a big wound
"Wait let me see"suga said as hw touch jimin's wound(btw suga is mafia and he lives alone so sometimes he gets injured he have to treat his wounds by his own so he know everything about doctor's stuff)
"Ahhhhhhh suga don't touch it hurts"Jimin said but soon he widened his eyes as he calls him suga infront of taekook
"Wait what did you call him?"tae said
"Do you know him?"kookie said
"Stop your questions and take him to infirmary his leg is blooding alot"suga said in cold voice
"No no i will not go pls leave me"jimin said
"Min jimin you are blooding alot go with them"suga said
"Wait min jimin ohhh then you are min suga or yoongi his husband"tae said
"Ahhhh stop using your brain take him to infirmary"suga said getting irritated
"NO I WILL NOT GO"jimin said crying by now
"Min jimin go with them you are losing blood"suga said
"No pls"jimin said crying but suddenly

Jimin pov
I was crying and begging them that i don't wanna go to infirmary but then he hugs me what he hugs me omo i feel so much butterflies in my stomcah

"Stop crying hmmm i am coming with you let's go"suga said as he picks jimin in bridal style
"No pls i wanna go home pls suga pls not infirmary you are not understanding me pls"jimin said while crying hard
"Okay okay don't cry we will go home but first infirmary look it's blooding alot"suga said trying his best to calm jimin
"Pls i beg you pls understand me pls i will tell you everything but let's go home not infirmary pls"jimin said
"Okay we will go home stop crying"suga said


Suga pov
Yesterday i saw jimin's body that cut at first i don't believe him i said he is trapping me but then i told my bodyguards to find information about him they found information and gave it to me and what i saw make me shocked

Park jimin 26 year old boy his parents died in accident his uncle abused him alot he beats him alot he make him do job and if he don't get money he beats him alot also he cut himself cause he is depressed and sad

Suga pov
After reading information i feel so pity on him i hurt him by calling him gold digger and slut so i thought i will go to his college as professor as in information their was written that students bully jimin my blood boils after reading it so i decided and went to his principal and he make me professor as i am mafia king he can't say no or else i will kill him i was going but then i saw jimin running in corridor and he fell and hurt his leg but when he saw me he got shocked and i said to his friends to take him to infirmary but he start to cry more and more so i said we will go home

In principal office

"Leave me you will take me inside like this"jimin said
"Shhhhh don't move baby boy"suga said in his deep voice which gives shiver to jimin
The went inside principal's office

"Hello mr min how can i help you?"prin asked
"He is my husband and he gets injured so i am taking him home any excuse?"suga said in his cold and scary voice
"N--no mr min you can g--go"prin said

They went to home
Time skips to home
In suga room

"Wait i will get my medical bag"suga said
"But you are mafia not a doctor"jimin said in low voice
"Think me both baby boy"suga lift jimin chin and said in his deep voice
"I will come"suga said he wents to take his medical bag

After treatment

"Jimin i wanna say something"suga said
"Yeah speak suga"jimin said
"I am sorry for hurting you i am sorry for calling you slut i am so bad i should die i-----before he can complete his sentence jimin smashed his lips on suga's and kiss him with full of love

Suga pov
I was saying sorry but he smashed his lips on mine i can't process anything should i kiss him back?suddenlt jimin move his lips indicating me to kiss back and finally i gave up and kiss him back

We were kissing but suddenly

"Ohhh no my horny eyes"?? Said
They both pulled out and get embarrassed seeing suga's father their
"Ya appa you renuid our moment"suga said
"I am sorry but i come to see my babies but what happened to jimin's leg"mr min asked getting worried
"Ahhh he fell in college that's why his leg hurts"suga said
"Ohhhh take care of yourself jiminiee"mr min said
"Y*sniff*yeah*sniff*appa"jimin said
"What happened jiminiee how did you catch cold?"suga asked
"Actually someone throwed water on me in class that's why i was running to take my new clothes from cabinet"jimin said while sniffing
"Ohhh why didn't you tell me before i will make soup for you wait appa pls stay with him"suga said
"Okay"mr min said as he sat beside jimin and jimin hugs him
"Appa"jimin said
"Yeah baby"mr min said
"I am feeling so much cold"jimin said
"Wait i will cuddle my baby"mr min said
As he lays beside jimin and cuddle him
After sometimes suga comes
"Here is the soup come on jiminieee get up and drink it"suga said as he make jimin sit on bed
"Mhmmm cold"jimin said while shivering
Suga place his hand on jimin's forehead
"You have fever jiminiee"suga said
"Mhmmm"jimin said
"Okay i will feed you and after that we will call jin hyung okay"suga said
"Who is jin hyung?"jimin asked
"He is like my elder brother he is so sweet he is doctor so we will call him"suga said while feeding jimin
After sometimes
Suga feed him whole bowl
Btw mr min went back to his house
Suga call jin
After sometimes jin comes and check jimin
"Well he have high fever i think i should give him an injection"jin said
"No injection pls"jimin said while hugging suga tightly
"Baby it will not hurt"suga said
"No hyung"jimin said while crying
"Okay i will not give but promise me you will do complete rest and will take care of yourself"jin said
"Promise hyung"jimin said
"Listen suga if he disobey you and didn't take care of himself just call me i will come and give him big big injections"jin said
"Okay hyung but give him tt injection he got hurt on his leg i didn't give him cause i don't have injection"suga said
"Noo pls noo"jimin said while crying
"It will not hurt baby it's really important"suga said
Jin prepared injection and gave him on his arm
After injection
"Jiminiee stop crying it's done already"suga said while rubbing his arm
"H--hurts"jimin said
After sometimes jimin sleep while hugging suga

That's it for today
Don't forget to vote☆
Btw what do you think will suga become soft or something happens again
Your wwc author💕

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