chp 11

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Time skips to morning
Suga woke up first then went to make breakfast for him and jimin
After sometimes jimin also get up and went to dinning room
They both did their breakfast and went to university

In vminkook class
Mr lee enter the class
All the students greet him

"So class do you remember you have test today?"mr lee said
"Yeah sir"whole class said
"So are you guys prepare for it?"mr lee asked
"Yes sir"whole class said toegther
"Okay then get ready"mr lee said he gave sheets to everyone and whole class start to wrote test

Jimin pov
I am writing my test i did all the question but their is one question i can't solve what should I do?
Jimin thoughts cut off by mr lee

"Jimin gave your paper time is up"mr lee said
"Just 2 min sir please"jimin said
"No time is up"mr lee said as he snatch his paper and went out of the class

Jimin went to his seat

"How many questions you did?"jimin said
"I did all"tae said
"Same the test was so easy"kook said
"How many you did chim?"tae said
"I left one i didn't know that one and now i am scared"jimin said
"Why are you scared?"kook said
"Cause of suga hyung he will beat me if i willget low marks"jimin said
"Relax chim you only left one question he will not say anything beleive me"tae said

Kook was going to say something when yoongi enter in class
Whole class stand and greet him

"Good morning sir"class sais expect jimin he was looking down sadly which wasn't go un noticed by suga
"Morning class today was your test how did it went?"suga asked
"We did best sir it was too easy"whole class sais expect jimin
"That's great but I think min jimin didn't did test good?that's why he is silent"suga said while looking at jimin
"No sir i did my best"jimin said while looking down
"Good min jimin jeon taehyung and jeon jungkook i want you three in my office with your test paper after mr lee gave it back to you!!understand?"suga said
"Yes sir"vminkook said

Suga pov
I was teaching in class when i saw jimin is not paying attention
End of pov

"Min jimin stand up"suga said
"Y-yes sir"jimin said
"Tell me formula of sugar?"suga said (btw do you know?if you know then tell in comments😉)
"Umm sir that---(cut off)
"Where was your mind when i was teaching?"suga said
"Sorry sir"jimin said in low voice but enough for suga to hear
"Sit down and pay attention"suga said
Jimin bowed towards him and sit down on his seat

Time skip to last period
Mr lee come inside the class
"Class i am calling your name come and take paper one by one"mr lee said
"Jeon jungkook"me lee said
Jungkook wents to him and took his paper
"You got 50 out of 50 great job"mr lee said
Jk bowed and went to his seat
"Kim taehyung you got 50 out of 50 great job"mr lee said
Taehyung took his paper and went to his seat
"Min jimin"mr lee said
Jimin wents to him
"You got 45 out of 50 great job jimin"mr lee said
Jimin took his paper bowed and left to his seat

"Wow jimin you get great numbers"kook said
"Hmm"jimin hummed while lowering his head
"Chim listen hyung will not say anything you did great"tae said
"Jungkook Taehyung and Jimin go to mr min's office"mr lee said
Vminkook went to him

Suga pov
I was working on some papers when i hear a knock on door
End of pov

"Come inside"suga said vminkook went inside
"Hyung test paper"kook said
"Ohh yeah first tae show me"suga said
Tae showed his paper
"Great job tae you got full marks"suga said while smiling
"Thnku hyung"tae said while showing his boxy smile
"Kook show your paper"suga said kook showed his paper
"You also did great job you also got full marks"suga said while smiling
"Thnku hyung"kook said while showing his bunny smile
"Jimin show your paper"suga said jimin pass his paper to suga
"Jimin-----(cut off)
"Hyung I am sorry pls don't punish me i will do great next time pls i am relaly sorry hyung"jimin said while crying
"Baby listen i am not going to say anything you did great come here"suga said
Jimin went to him and suga make him sit on his lap
"You did great love i am proud of you"suga said while kissing jimin's cheek
"Hyung we are also here"kook said while smirking
"Shut up you brat go back to your class he will come in sometimes"suga said
"Okay hyung jimin take care of your ass"kook said as he run outside while giggling
"This brat"suga said
Tae also went to class

Time skips to after university

In yoonmin room

Jimin pov
I am so happy today hyung bought me roller skates now i will do dead prank on him
End of pov

Suga pov
I was working on my laptop i called jimin but he didn't came so i went upstairs i check in room but he wasn't their i saw guest room door is open so i went their the next seen i saw make me numb at the point my leg start to shake
I saw jimin laying on the floor covered in blood i didn't waste anytime and run to him
End of pov

"Chim baby get up"suga said while crying"jimin what happened to you baby pls stop it get up pls"suga said while crying

After alot of cryings jimin felt bad for him so he start to laugh loudly
"Jimin you are okay?"suga said in shock
"Yeah pabo i am fine that was a prank"jimin said while laughing
Suga just stood from the floor and went to his room
"Hyung listen"jimin said but suga was already gone
"Oh no i think he is angry now what should i do?"jimin said he called taehyung

"Hey chim"kook said
"Hey kook give phone to tae pls"jimin said kook gave phone to tae
"Hey chim what's wrong?"tae said
"Actually---(jimin told him everything)
"I told you na don't do this type of pranks"tae said in scolding tone
"You can scold me later but now told me how to convince him?"jimin said
"Umm try to ask for forgiveness he will surely forgive you"
"Okay bye"jimin sai as he cut his call without waiting for tae's reply

Jimin went to his room
"Hyung"jimin said
Suga didn't said anything
"I am sorry pls forgive me hyung"jimin said"i will not do this again sorry"jimin said but suga just ignore him

After 5 days
In these days jimin always tries to ask suga for forgiveness but suga didn't talk to him

So now jimin thought he will make suga's favourite food so suga will talk to him
Rn jimin is in the kitchen making food and suga is in their room
Suga pov
In was working on my laptop when i heared jimin's shout from kitchen i run to kitchen and saw him blwing his hand in air while crying
End of pov

"What happened baby is it okay?"suga said as he hold jimin's hand and toom him to room
"Hyung i was ma--making your fav f--food i didn't k-know how it bur--burnt"jimin said while crying and hicupping
"It will be fine my baby"suga said while applying ointment on his hand
After that suga went out of the room

After sometimes he came back with an injection

"Chim lay down baby take rest"suga said while hiding injection behind his back
Suga silently lay on bed
"Hyung"jimin said in low voice
"Yeah baby"suga said
"Did you forgive me?"jimin said
"I did"suga said while pulling his pants down a little so he can inject him
"Hyung what are you doing?"jimin said as he tries to turn but suga put his on leg on his back so he will not turn and hold his legs with his one hand
"No hyung pls i don't want any injection pls"jimin said while crying
"It will not hurt will"suga said as he inserted needle and start to push plunger
"Ahhhh hyung stop it hurts"jimin said while crying loudly
"Going to done"suga said"and done"suga said as he took outs needle and start to rub his injected part
"I--it hurts"jimin said while turning and hugging suga
"It will be fine"suga said while looking at his lips
"Hmm"jimin said
"Can I?"suga said
"You Don't need to ask"jimin said
Suga attached their lips and kiss him after sometimes he broke the kiss
"I love you"suga said
"I love you too hyung and i will never do this type of pranks again"jimin said
"Let's sleep for sometimes"suga said while making him lay and both drift to their dream land

The end♡

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