chp 5

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Jimin picked the call
"Hi my baby bear"jimin said
"Hi chimmy are u coming to university?"tae said
"Yes I am coming my love"jimin said
Suga frowned listening to this
"Ya why r u speaking like this?"tae asked
"Okay bye love take care of yourself"jimin said as he cuts the call without waiting for taehyung's reply
All this time suga was standing their listening to his talks burning in jealousy

"Where r u going?"yoongi asked
"No where come let's do breakfast or else we will get late for university"jimin said as they both start to eat breakfast

Time skips after breakfast

They both went to university
If u remember yoongi also join university as professor

In university
Jimin went to class where he meets taekook
"Hey guys"jimin said while smiling
"Hi chimchim"kook said
"Why r u so happy today?"tae asked
"You know what suga accept me"jimin said while being happy not knowing his happiness will fade away after his one mistake
"Really?"tae asked being happy
"Yea and you know now i am going to do hickey prank on him"jimin said while being happy(poor didn't know his one mistake can ruin everything)
"Don't do it jimin"kook said
"He is right chim don't do it.It can harm ur relation"tae said
"It will not tae and i will do it and you know when today you call me he gets jealous"jimin said
"You are stupid jimin don't do it pls"tae said
"Nth will happen"jimin said
"Bu--------(cut off by professor coming in class)
Time skips after class
In canteen
"Chim what do u wanna eat?"tae asked
"Suga hyung"jimin said while smirking
"Ya you prevert i mean food"tae said
"I wanna eat him"jimin said while pouting
"Chimmy u are bottom not top so stop day dreaming"jungkook said
"Ya *sigh* fine leave it i wanna eat sandwich"jimin said
"Okay"tae said as he wents to take food
After sometimes
He comes back and they all finished their food
Time skips to home

Jimin pov
Now i am sitting in the living room watching t.v. actually suga have some work as he is mafia so he wents their i wanna focus on t.v. but my mind is full with tae's word he said that if i do prank then it can harm our relationship is it true no no it's not i wanna do it and i will do it
End of pov

Jimin shrugged his all negative thoughts and went to make fake hickies to prank suga

On the other side

"HOW CAN HE RUN FROM THERE "suga shouts being angry
"Sor---sorry boss"man said
Suga shoots him

An pov
Let me tell you what's happening here so suga's biggest enemy named jack run suga caught him after so many efforts but he run away he knows about jimin and suga think that he will hurt jimin and he will do so it's true
End of pov

Suga went home in frustration and also in worry for jimin

After sometimes he reachs home
But he saw the thing make his heart broke
He saw jimin necklace and a letter their
He picked it up

In letter

Dear suga
It's your pretty jack i kidnapped ur husband now i will not leave him his body is just ahhh i wanna f*ck him hard don't even try to find him cause everything will went in vein
Your lovely jack

After reading letter suga's blood start to boil he is also feeling guilty that he isn't able to protect jimin but he pick himself and start to find jimin
He saw jimin phone their
He saw that recording is on
So he start to listen to it

Jimin pov
I was sleeping peacefully but then i heard a gun shot yea i come inside room to make fake hickies but i felt sleepy so i slept but then i heard a gun shot i get up and saw a man standinf their looking at me with his dirty smirk
End of pov
Jimin gain his whole courage and speak
"W--who are u?"jimin asked
"Why should i tell u babyboy?"jack said
"Stop calling me t--this"jimin picked vase from side table and throwed it on jack face vase hit his face at that time jimin took chance nad turned on the recording
After that jake take him
But jack did a mistake before taking jimin with him he said that he is taking jimin to his mansion
"Leave me"jimin said
Jack pick him on his shoulder and spank him hardly cause he was wriggling alot
"Ahhhh you mf leave me i don't  wanna go to ur mansion"jimin said but jack didn't listen to him and took him

Suga pov
After listening to recording my blood starts to boil how dare he. He hurt my chimmy even he spank him i will not leave him
Suga rush outside to go to jack's mansion
Suga pov
I was driving car in high speed but then a truck comes infront of my car and then *Thud*

To be continue
Now tell me what will happen to suga will he able to save jimin or not?
And if he will save him then jimin will still do that hicky prank on him?

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