chp 9

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Time skips to next day
In yoonmin room
Suga was the first one to wake up
"Chim chim wake up it's already morning baby"suga said while slapping jimin's cheek lightly
"Mhmm hyung pls let me sleep"jimin said in sleepy tone
"No ba y you have to go to college come on get up don't you wanna meet taekook?"suga said
"I wanna"jimin said as he sits on the bed
"Now go freshup"suga said
"But"jimin said while pointing on his lips indicating suga that he want his morning kiss suga thought to tease him a little
"What are you saying minnie go and freshup or else we will be late for university"suga said
"Hyungieeeee"jimin says whinning
"What?"suga said
Now jimin can't control anymore so he smash his lips on suga's lips jimin kiss him hungrily after sometimes he broke the kiss
"Oh so u want this"suga said in teasing voice
"Hyungg"jimin whines
"What now?"suga said while laughing
"Don't laugh"jimin said while pouting
"Ahh fine go now fresh up i am going downstairs to make breakfast"suga said as jimin nods and went to freshup while suga went to make breakfast

In washroom with jimin

Jimin pov
As soon as i came inside the washroom something naughty comes in my mind how about doing a dead prank on my husband i will freshup fast and then i will go to college after college i will do it yeah jimin you are so smart
End of pov
Now let's go back or you wanna see more🌚

In kitchen with suga
Suga pov
I was making breakfast when i felt two pair of arms aroubd my waist i know who is he my baby minnie
End of pov

Suga turned around and kiss jimin's forehead

"Let's go to dinning room"suga said both of them wents to dinning room

In dinning room

"Hyung what did u make?"jimin said
"So tasty and delicious my jiminie's favourite food"suga said
"Is it pancakes?"jimin said while being exicted
"No it's boiled vegetables and veg soup"suga said while smiling at jimin who made an 'ew' face
"It isn't mh favourite i hate it"jimin said while pouting
"I thought it's ur favourite now eat it fast"suga said in soft yet stern voice
Jimin starts to eat silently
"How's it love?"suga said
"It's y-yummy"jimin said while eating making disgusting face
"Really!now we will eat it daily in breakfast"suga said while smirking
"What no"jimin said while widening his eyes
"Yeah babes"suga said making jimin sighed cause he knows suga is not gonna listen to him
"Where is ur breakfast?"jimin said
"Infront of me"suga said while smirking
"Infront of yo-- YOU STUPID MORON HOW DARE YOU"jimin said while shouting
"Babes i am saying truth bowl of salad is infront of you so it's my breakfast give me"suga said while smirking
"Oh"jimin said while being embarrased cause of what he thought"sorry"jimin said
"Why are you saying sorry love i wouldn't mind eating you"suga said while smirking
"Shut up hyung and eat your breakfast"jimin said as his cheeks turn into lightly pink
"Oho someone is blushing"suga said in teasing voice while smirking
"Shut up hyung"jimin says whinning
After sometimes they eat their breakfast and went to university

At university
In vminkook class
"Hey guys i am thinking something naughty"jimin said
"What is it minnie?"jk said
"I am thinking to do a prank on suga hyung"jimin said while giggling
"What type of prank?"tae said
"Dead prank"jimin said while giggling
"Tae now i am sure he is gone mad"jk said

"Ya you jeon f*cking jungkook shut that mouth of yours"jimin said while glaring at kook
"Guys stop shouting and listen jimin don't do anything stupid yoongi hyung will not forgive you this time he already forgive you for sneaking out of the house but he will not forgive you this time"tae said
"But i really wanna do it"jimin said while pouting innocently
"Look at him now he is becoming innocent"kook said
"Shut up kook for else i will whope your ass"tae said kook shut his mouth
"Don't do it minnie he will be hella worried you know he loves u alot so pls don't do it"tae said
"Okay"jimin said but everybody knows he isn't gonna listen to anyone

Time skips to after college
Yoonmin came to house
In living room
"Hyung i am going to sleep"jimin said
"First eat your lunch then u can sleep"suga said
"Hyung i am sleepy pls"jimin said while whinning
"No eat first then sleep"suga said in stern voice"now go and freshup i am making lunch"suga said
Jimin wents to upstairs for getting freshup

Meanwhile with suga in kitchen

Suga pov
As soon as we came home jimin said he wanna sleep something is surely off with him let's ask him when he will come
End of pov

After sometimes jimin comes downstairs to dinning room for lunch

"Hyung what did u make?"jimin said
"Kimchi"suga said
"Wow!!really?"jimin said
"Yeah really now stop talking and eat before it get cold"suga said

After lunch
In yoonmin room

"Jimin"suga said
"Yeah hyung"jimin replied
"Did something happened to you?"suga said
"No hyung nothing happened why are you asking?"jimin said
"Nth"suga replied
"Hyung"jimin said
"Yeah"suga replied
"How much you love me"jimin said
"Look at the sky count all stars that much i love you"suga said
"But it's day time"jimin said while whinning
You know your savage unnie😂👍🏻
"Hehe sorry i love you alot baby why are you asking this?"suga said
"Can't i ask?"jimin said
"You can love"suga said
"Listen i wanna ask something"jimin said
"Go on love"suga said
"Before i met you i used to prank professors in college"jimin said awkwardly
"What type of pranks?"suga asked
"Umm once i put a fake snake in professor's pant for fun"jimin said while giggling
"Didn't you got suspend?"suga said
"Yeah i got"jimin said while giggling
"Such a brat"suga said
"You know once a female teacher he used to make me do alot of works even after university time cause he likes me so once i put box full of mud on door and when she came all mud fell on her after that she never did anything to me"jimin said while gliggling
"You did great"suga said while laughing
"Umm well if i do any prank on you what will u do?"jimin said
"I will surely beat you"suga said
"Umm let's sleep for sometimes"jimin said as he lay on bed and suga turned off lights
To be continue

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