chp 10

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Time skips to 8 pm
Suga get up and went downstairs to make dinner
In kitchen
Suga pov
I was making dinner when someone back hugged me i know he is jimin i turned him and kiss his forehead
End of pov

"You get up"suga said
"Yeah i saw you aren't beside me so i thought you must be in kitchen making dinner so i came here"jimin sais
Suga pick him up and make him sit on counter
"Now sit here and tell me what do you wanna eat?"suga said
"Umm can we order from outside?"jimin said
"No"suga said
"Why not?"jimin said while whinning
"Baby you will get sick if you will eat junk"suga said
Jimin jump from the counter and stand on floor
"Pls"jimin said
"You know if you will get sick you have to (suga turned him)take injections"suga said as he pokes jimin
"No no i will not eat junk"jimin said as he hugs suga
"Ok ok love we will not eat junk ok i will make japchae for you"suga said while again making him sit on counter
"Hmm be fast i am hungry"jimin said while rubbing his tummy cutely

Suga cooed at him

After sometimes in dinning room
"How's it?"suga asked to jimin
"Great!!! I loved it"jimin said while smiling
Time skips after dinner

In yoonmin room
"Let's sleep"suga said
"Hyung I wanna do it"jimin said
"No baby not now"suga said
"Pls hyung"jimin said
"No you will not be able to walk in university"suga said
"Ahh fine don't talk to me"jimin said as he lays on the bed his back was facing suga
"Jiminiee"suga said but he got no reply
"Ahh fine get up"suga said while making jimin sit
And that night they end up making love😂♥️

Time skips to morning
Yoonmin eat their brekafast and went to university
In vminkook class

"So what are u thinking now?"tae said
"I am thinking to do prank on him"jimin said
"You are surely mad"kook said
"Shut up kook"tae said
"Jimin babe listen it's not good"tae said
"But i want to do it so that he can punish me"jimin said while smirking
"He will not punish u like that he will whope your ass"kook said
"Shut up kook"jimin said while glaring at him
"He is right he will surely beta u if u do this"tae said
"But----(cut off by professor coming in class)

Time skips to lunch break
In canteen
"What do u wanna eat?"tae said
"Sandwich"jimin said
"n you kook?"tae asked
"Sandwich for me too"kook said
Tae went to take food
After sometimes he came with food

"Jimin"tae said
"Yeah taetae"jimin said while eating his sandwich
"Are you sure you gonna do that prank?"tae said
"Yeah I am sure"jimin said
"Think one more time chim"tae said
"Why are you getting worried nothing will happen"jimin said
"Ahh fine do whatever you want"tae said

Time skips after university
At yoonmin home
In living room
Rn jimin is sitting on sofa while watching t.v. and suga is making lunch

"Chim"suga shouts from kitchen
"What is it hyung?"jimin shouts back
"Come for lunch baby"suga said while coming to living room
"Can i get my lunch here?"jimin said while showing his famous puppy eyes
"No come to dinning room only"suga said
"Pls hyung"suga said
"No chim come to dinning room now"suga said in stern voice which can give shivers to anyone
They both went to dinning room

In dinning room
Jimin is sitting eating his food silently
"What happened chim?"suga asked
"You scold me"jimin said while pouting
"Wait!!what??when did I?"suga said
"Just now in living room"jimin said
"Aish baby you know na i like to eat food here and i didn't scold you i was just saying"suga said
"Who speak like this?ni chim come to dinning room now"jimun said while mocking suga
"Ahhh sorry love"suga said
"I am not gonna forgiveyou"jimin said while pouting angrily
"Ahh fine tell me what i have to do for earning your forgiveness"suga said
"I will only forgive you on one condition"jimin said
"And what is it drama king?"suga said
"Hyungggggg"jimin said while whinning
"Jiminnnnn"suga tease him
"Don't talk to me"jimin said while pouting angrily
"Sorry love now tell me what do you want?"suga said while making jimin sit on his lap
"I want roller skates"jimin said
"What do you want say it again"suga said
"Roller skates"jimin said while looking at suga with puppy eyes
"Such wishes are invalid"suga said
"Okk don't talk to me"jimin said while getting up from his lap
"I am kidding love i will surely buy you skates"suga said while making jimin sit on his lap again
"Really!?"jimin look at sugawith glittering eyes
"Yeah love"suga said while kissing his cheeks
"Thnkuu hyungiee i love u"jimin said while hugging suga tightly
"I love u too love"suga said
"When we will go to buy them?"suga said
"You can choose online i will buy them"suga said
"Okk hyungie"jimin said as he runs to room to take his phone
"Chim Don't run. Ahh this boy he will never listen to me"suga said while looking at stairs from where jimin runs

In yoonmin room
With jimin

As soon as jimin came in room he start to choose roller skates

Jimin pov
I was selecting roller skates when suddenly come into my mind that dead prank but i am not gonna do that now or else hyung will not buy me roller skates i will do after some days
End of pov

Suga also come in room
"Did you select love?"suga said
"Yeah and i send you on WhatsApp"jimin said
"Okk i will buy them"suga said"btw tomorrow is your maths test are you prepared for it?"suga said
"Umm ahh hyung that-----(cut off)
"You forget"suga said in stern voice jimin just nod"ahhh silly minnie go n bring your books i am going to teach you fast"suga said
Jimin runs to study room and after sometimes he cam eback with his book and ruff notebook

"Now let's start"suga said
After sometimes
"Did you understand this?"suga said
"Yea hyung"jimin said while smiling nervously
"Ok now give me test after that you can sleep"suga said while writing some sums on copy after writing he gave that copy to jimin
After sometimes jimin gave him back copy
"Hmm only one sum is right what about others?"suga said while glaring at him
"Sorry hyung"jimin said in low voice
"Come here"suga said jimin went to him
"Where was your mind when i was teaching you"suga slaps him not hardly but enough for jimin to cry
"S-sorry"jimin said while crying holding his cheek
"I am teaching you again if you will do wrong this time then get ready for spanks"suga said
Jimin nods
"WORDS"suga shouts
"Yes"jimin said
Suga again teach him but again this time jimin didn't learn anything causehe was busy in crying

Now suga is again checking his test

"On my lap now"suga said in stern voice
"S-sorry h--hyung"jimin said
"I SAID ON MY LAP NOW"suga shouts
Jimin quickly lay on his lap
Suga pull down his protection and start to spank him

After that suga comfort him and again make him understand poor boy got alot of beating and at least he learned after that suga comfort him and make him sleep

To be continue

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