chp 2

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Yoongi father comes to yoonmin
"Suga here take this"mr min said
"What is this?"suga said in his cold voice
"This is key of your both house you and jimin will stay together in one house i bought for you to as a gift"mr min said sweetly
"Appa i mean uncle their is no need of it"jimin said

Suga pov:
How dare he do call my appa as appa such a gold digger trying to get closer to my father i will make your life surely hell just wait park jimin
End of pov

"It's okay son you can call me appa it feels so good and why their is no need of it huh you two will stay in my house i don't wanna hear your mo@ning voices"mr min said while laughing a little
"A--appa"jimin said while blushing hard

Suga pov:
How dare appa to say this huh i will f*ck this slut not in my whole life and how he is blushing i will make sure to make you red like this forever you will never blush like this again slut such a gold digger
End of pov

"We are going appa now"suga said in his cold voice
"Pls son take care of my jiminiee"jimin's uncle said while dramatically crying
"I will"suga said in cold voice
Then they went to sit in car

In car
jimin pov:
He is too cold how am i suppose to make him melt for me i was in my imagination when he sits beside me it feels so good but then suddenly our hands touch and he spoke

"Move your hands aside"he spoke in cold voice
"H-huh?"jimin said
"I said move your hands from mines can't you listen at once"suga said in cold voice while glaring jimin
"Ohh y--yes"jimin said as he move his hands

Jimin pov:
As his hands touch mine it feels so good so i didn't remove it but then he said remove your hands in his cold voice at first i can't possess but then he said again and i removed it i don't think i can make him warm but i will not lose hope i think it will take sometimes to make him warm maybe something happens to him that's why he is too cold i was in my own thoughts when suddenly my phone rings
I saw it was from tae but i didn't pick it up but then he said
"Why aren't you picking?who's call is it?"he speak in his cold voice
"It's from my best friend taehyunh"jimin said
"You can pick it"suga said coldly
Jimin pick the call up

"Hey chimmy how are you?"tae said
"Hi tae i am fine how are you?"jm said
"I am also fine btw you didn't come to university today everything okay?"tae asked
"Yeah everything okay today was my marriage so---(cut off)
"Ya you stupid bear stop shouting it was all of a sudden that's why i didn't invite you two"jimin said
"Ohhh who's the girl?"tae asked
"It was----- i will talk to you later bye"jimin said as he cutted the call

They reach home
Outside the house

"Come let's go inside"suga said as he start to walk inside the house without waiting for jimin
"What is his problem he didn't even wait for me huh whatever let's go jimin"he said as he went behind him

Inside the house

"I am going to my room you go to your room"suga said coldly
"Wait what our r--rooms are s--separate?"jimin said
"You think i will sleep with you in your dreams go from here now and don't you dare to touch anything in my house"suga said
"Wdym your house?"jimin said
"It's my house my appa gifted it to me sl-t go from here be thankful to me thati marry such a gold digger like you"suga said coldly
"Wtf wait?"jimin grab his coat
"How dare you to touch me huh you sl-t"suga said as he slap jimin hardly making him fell on floor
Suga went to his room leaving jimin their alone

Jimin pov:
When we went inside the house he said me to go to my room but then i said our rooms are separate he said i marry you out of pitty even he call me gold digger but when i grab his coat to stop him what he did i didn't even expect he slap me i can't believe he left from their but i saw still processing that what happened to me but then i got up and went to my room to freshup
In washroom with jimin

"How can he slap me your life is not going to become good jimin you have to suffer for your whole life"he said to himself while crying hard
"I wish i would die why so many sores God i don't like to live now please take me to eomma appa i don't wanna live"
Jimin is crying as their is no tomorrow but he don't know someone was watching him

Suga pov:
I was going downstairs to eat something but then i heard voices from jimin's room i saw him saying that he don't wanna live he don't like to live i regret slapping him he is so good but what i did but then i saw jimin take off his shirt and the scene i saw make me shock he has alot of cuts and bruises on his body who did this with him
He was about to cut his vein but

Jimin pov:
I take my shirt off and i saw in mirror their are so many bruises on my body i made them and some my uncle and some Kevin by beating the hell out of me
I was about to cut my vein cause i am so tired now i thought my life will be good after marriage but no it become more wprse but then my phone start to ring i saw it was from kookie so i pick it up
"Hello kookie bunny how are you?"jimin said
"I am fine jiminshii i heard that you got married who's he?"kookie asked

Suga pov:
He was about to cut his vein but then his phone ring he pick it up and said hello kookie bunny i think he has boy friend how dare he make boyfriend when he was going to marry me i never thought jimin you are such a gold digger now i will surely make you suffer this all cuts are just to make me fool huh now i will show you real side of me park f*cking jimin

Suga said and went out of his room
But he didn't listen the whole talk and now he decide to make jimin life's hell
Poor jimin

With jimin

"He is boy his name is min suga"jimin said
"Wait what min suga he is mafia king right?"kookie asked
"Yeha he is btw i am going to fresh now i am hungry to bye"jimin said
"Will you come to college tomorrow?"kookie asked
"I will ask from him bye now"jimin said
"Bye"kookie said as jimin cut call

With taekook
"Doesn't he sounds upset?"tae said
"I also think"kookie said
"Let's leave him it's his personal matter"kookie said
"Yeah you are right"tae said
"Baby let's do one round pls"kookie said
"No way you always says one round but when you start to take more than 10 rounds yesterday's pains didn't went till now"tae said
"Pls baby"kookie said while showing his puppy eyes
"Ahhh okay fine"tae said
Kookie take him to room

Let them do their work now🔞

With yoonmin.

Suga pov:
I was doing my work but then i heard a knock on door
"Come in"suga said
Jimin comes inside
"What do you want?"suga said coldly
"Ummm i--i wanna ask can i go to college from tomorrow?"
"You can go but stay away from my things don't ask me something stupid again and don't ask me for any money i will not give you any money cause i know gold diggers like you"suga said
"I---i will not ask i c---can earn by m---my own"jimin said
"Go from here now"suga said
Jimin went out of the room

Jimin pov:
He call me gold digger i don't know why it hurts but what can i do i will earn money by my own i don't wanna become burden on him

Let's sleep jimin you have to do hardwork tomorrow
Jimin said as he wents to sleep

Time skips to morning
Suga pov
I was the one who wake up first he check jimin and did his breakfastand left to his college without caring about jimin

Jimin pov:
I just wake up it's 8 pm i have to go to college i went downstairs and did my breakfast i check suga too but he wasn't at home i think he already left it's okay jimin your life is always like this
He said and went to his college
In college
"Hey chimmy"tae said
"Hey tae hey kookie"jimin said
"Come let's go to class"kookie said
"Tae why are you not walking properly"jimin asked
"Ask him what he did yesterday"tae said while glaring kookie
"Ya stop hurting my bestie by f*cking him"jimin said
"Why didn't your husband f*ck you?"kookie said
"He didn't"jimin said looking down
"Wae?"tae asked
"He is too cold he even call me gold digger and slut"jimin said whe sobbing a little
"Chimmy don't cry maybe something happens with him in past that's why he is like this you want him to fell for you do one thing"tae said
"What to do?"jimin asked
"Do hickey prank on him"

That's it for today
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