chp 8

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"JIMIN"someone shouts
Jimin look behind
"Y-you who are looks alike my husband"jimin said in drunk voice
"He is su-suga hyung minnie"jk said in drunk voice
"Really!?What are you doing here hyungie"jimin said
"I am here to take my bratty husband"suga said in stern voice
"Who?me?"jimin said
"Yeah you"suga said
"But I am not bratty"jimin pouts suga control himself to cooed at him and make a stern face
"Get up"suga said in his deep like ocean voice which can give anyone shiver
"No you bad man go"jimin said in drunk voice
"Don't make me trigger you three brats"suga said coldly
"No we aren't goi---(cut off)
"I SAID GET UP"suga shouts vminkook quickly get up
"Follow me"suga said and start to walk while vminkook follows him like a puppy
They went outside of the club

In car
Suga started driving everyone was silent when jimin decide to broke it
"Hyung"jimin said in drunk voice
"What"suga said
"Where are we going?"jimin said
"To home"suga said while focusing on the road
"Hyung let's go to amusement park"tae said while clapping his hands
"No and no amusment patkd are open at this hour so stay quiet"suga said
They reached home
Now vminkook are not coming out of the car
"Why are you guys not coming out of the car"suga said while trying to be calm
"Cause u didn't take us to amusment park"kook said
"No park is open at this hour now be a good boys and come outside i will give you all chocolates"suga said
"Really"vminkook eyes glitter listening to the word chocolates
"Yeah really now come"suga said they all went out of the car and went inside the home

In living room

"But it's not our home"tae said
"You all are going to stay here today"suga said

"Really?"jimin said
"Yeah really now go to the room i am coming in a minute"suga said
Three of them wents to jimin room

Suga pov
I was making hangover drink in kitchen when i hear some voices from upstairs i quickly finished making drink and carry them and went to our room as soon as  i enter i saw vminkook are doing pillow fighting aish these kids now i have to be stern or else they will not listen
End of pov

Vminkook quickly sits on bed while lowering their heads
"Ahhh i can't do anything with these monkeys"suga mumurs
"Here drink this"suga said in stern voice
"What is it hyung?"tae said
"It's a very tasty drink finish it quickly now"suga said and all of thrm finished drink in one sip
"Hyung it's so yukk"jimin said

"Ik now sleep"suga said while being annoyed
"Okkkkkkkk"three of them shouted

Time skips to morning

At dinning room

Suga pov
I was making breakfast when vminkook came downstairs i served them and they start to eat their was awkward silence when jungkook speaks
End of pov

"Hyung"jungkook said
"Hmm"suga hummed
"How do we end up h-here?"kook asked
"My close friend hoseok called me and said that u three are at club even after i said no that u can't go but still u guys went so i came and pick u three"suga said glaring vminkook
Vminkook glups
"S--sorry hyung"tae said
"I am not angry at you two I am angry at jimin i said to him that he can't go but still he went"suga said while glaring jimin
"S-sorry hyung"jimin said in low voice like whisper but enough for everyone to hear
"Keep your sorry to yourself"suga said coldly
All of them finished their breakfast and taekook went to their home after biding goodbye to yoonmin

In living room
Now suga is sitting here while jimin is trying to make suga forgive him
"Hyung pls sorry i will not go there again pls"jimin said
"Don't talk to me"suga said coldly
"Hyung plea--(cut off by bell ring)

Suga went to open door
Suga opened door and see his father standing there
"Come inside appa"suga said
Mr min came inside and sits in living room where jimin is sitting while his head is hung low
"What happened minnie?"mr min asked in worry
"Nth appa"jimin said in low voice

"Baby tell appa what happened?"mr min said
Jimin didn't reply
"Suga tell me what happened to him did you did anything to him?"mr min said while looking at suga
"I didn't said anything to him appa actually yesterday night he went to club without my permission it's not like that he didn't asked me he did but i said no but he still wents so i am angry at him"suga said
"Suga forgive him he is just a kid and kid do this kind of mistakes it's okay"mr min said
"I can't"suga said
"Don't be like this suga did u remember once u also went to club without my permission didn't i forgave you?"mr min said
"You did"suga said
"Then also forgive him he is just a kid"mr min said
"Ahh fine(to jimin) minnie come here"suga said jimin wents to him suga make him sit on his lap
"Sorry hyung"jimin said while hugging suga tightly
"It's fine love but don't do it again"suga said while kissing jimin's forehead
"I will not go there again I promise"jimin said while pouting looking so adorable

"I beleive my minnie"suga said
"No one love me here i am going"mr min said
Jimin pull him in a hug
"I love my appa"jimin said while kissing mr min's cheek
"I also love my both sons"mr min said and kiss both of there foreheads
"You know last night i was talking about u appa i wanna meet u yoongi hyung said we will go after somedays now u came i am so happy"jimin said while jumping like a kid
"Aww now let's go"mr min said while standing up from the couch
"But where?"suga asked
"I bought movie tickets let's go together this time cause i am going to uk after somedays so we can't spend time together them"mr min said jimin hug him while sitting
"Why are you going appa"jimin said as he pouts sadly looking adorable
"Baby i have meetings i will come back soon and i will buy alot of gifts for my minnie"mr min said
"Promise"jimin said while showing his pinky finger
"Promise"mr min said as he join his pinky with jimin ones
"Now let's go"mr min said
They all went to watch movie then amusment park they did alot of fun eat alot of street food and also ice creams then came back to home while mr min went to his home

To be continue

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