Chapter 2

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Alina's POV

When I first woke up, I thought I was dead

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When I first woke up, I thought I was dead. But then I felt the cushions under me and knew I wasn't. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, so I couldn't see where I was, but I could tell I was lying on a chaise. The First Army only had cots, and none were nearly as comfortable as this.

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in a brightly colored tent. Two people in red keftas looked up. Grisha. Immediately I was suspicious and my eyes narrowed. Why would I be in a Grisha tent with Grisha healers?

"Look, Igor! She's awake," exclaimed the first, a slender woman with wavy blonde hair, high cheekbones, and wide blue eyes.

"No way," drawled the second - Igor? "I hadn't noticed, Mara." He was tall, with a stocky build and close-cropped black hair.

Unsteadily, I sat up. "I'm right here, you know. Do you know where Mal is?" I tried to knock off the blankets and stand up, but I immediately sat back down, struck by a wave of dizziness.

"Let me help," Mara lilted in her soft voice and reached for my face. I flinched, and she cooed gently, "Shhh. You're okay. I'm a Healer. I'm going to help you with your headache. Is that okay?" I lay back down suspiciously. "Good job, honey. Who's Mal?"

"Malyen Oretsev. He was on the skiff when we were attacked. Do you know where he is?" I had closed my eyes to Mara's soft touch. "You probably don't. It's fine. But what happened? I saw this light..." My voice trailed off and I opened my eyes.

Igor looked at me with a strange expression on his face. "They say they've found the Sun Summoner," he said seriously.

There was a moment of silence while I tried to figure out if he was joking. Then I scoffed and said sarcastically, "The Sun Summoner is a myth. Are you trying to tell me that a fairytale character flew in to rescue one boatload of First Army soldiers and a couple of Grisha? Is the Fold gone? Are we finally liberated from our long years of suffering?"

He still looked serious. I looked at Mara, who fidgeted with her kefta and wouldn't meet my eyes.

"What?" I asked, a sliver of uncertainty creeping into my mind.

"They are saying that you are the Sun Summoner."

I paused a second with my mouth open before bursting into slightly hysterical laughter. "I'm not Grisha. Look at me! Do I look like Grisha to you? I guess I sort of look like you, Mara, but only because of my hair and eyes. The difference is that I'm tired, hungry, dirty, and about 100 times less pretty." I subconsciously reached up to run my fingers through my hair.

"Well..." Mara said kindly, "You can't be expected to look like Grisha after you've almost died. Sleep well for a week, get cleaned up, eat a few decent meals, and I'm sure you're very pretty."

I was about to reply with something sarcastic when a red-haired man in a blue kefta stepped through the tent opening and said gravely, "The General has requested that the girl be brought to his tent immediately."

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