Chapter 28

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I would like to say one thing before you start reading this. I regret to say that I am not perfect at English, even though it is my native language. I am ashamed (not really) to say that I use Grammarly. I know! You all thought that my English was just that good. But as it turns out, Grammarly is also not perfect. *gasp* In fact, when I was writing, it spellchecked hut to butt every time. So when I went back to read over what I wrote, this was one of the many sentences that had me dying of laughter at 2 in the morning:

I woke up in the sweltering heat of Baghra's butt.

But anyway, I thought that was funny, but then again, it was 2 am. Maybe I was sleep deprived. 😂 Enough of me talking, here's the chapter.

Also FYI ya'll might actually hate me for this chapter.

Alina's POV

When I woke up, I was not in a good mood

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When I woke up, I was not in a good mood.

I would say that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, only there would be one small problem - I didn't wake up in my bed.

I woke up in sweltering heat. Opening my eyes, I watched as a drop of sweat trailed down my nose and onto my cheek. There was only one place in the world as hot as this - Baghra's hut.

"Baghra!" I yelled.

She looked down at me from her chair in front of the fireplace. With an exasperated sigh, she said, "What do you want now, child? And don't yell."

I sat up. "Why the hell am I in your hut?"

"Language," she scolded, scowling down at me. "What do you want me to tell you? You're the one who came in here last night and refused to leave. I tried to get you to leave, but when you wouldn't, I just left you alone and you decided to curl up in front of the fireplace."

"Why the hell would I want to stay in this shit hole any longer than I have to?"

"Don't ask me. Now that you're awake and in your right mind, will you go away and leave me in peace?"

"With pleasure. What time is it?"

"It's the middle of the night. Now get out!" As I walked past her, she smacked my shin with her cane.

"Ow! What was that for? I'm leaving, you old crow."

"That was for taking up my time and space by staying here. Out!"

I left.


"She's your mother!?"

I threw open the doors to Alek's room after melting the lock and stomped in, not caring that it was the middle of the night. Not wasting time with the lamps, I lit up the war room with a blaze of light. Usually, he was still up, working elbows deep in stacks of paper, but tonight he wasn't. I marched into his room, now angry that my entrance hadn't had the desired effect.

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