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Scar walked into the little home we had. Surprisingly, he wasn't holding a sword. He was holding a juke box. "Hello." He greeted us. Grian stood protectively in front of me, blocking me from harms way should Scar attack us. "Look, for all I said and did, I'm sorry." He said, voice sincere and guilty. "I was in shock that my friend was the thing I hated so much, and that made me act out."

He finished his apology. I stopped hiding behind Grian, and instead stood beside him. (A/N: If you had a lover that had a much more powerful weapon then you, and that's very skilled at PVP, you'd hide behind them too.) Scar smiled at me. "You don't have to be friends with me again if you can't forgive me, but I would like an alliance." He said. Grian nodded, signaling for him to continue.

"So, me and Ren aren't on the best terms right now. Long story short I stole his enchanter and banner and he wants it back. He is allied with Bdubs, Impulse, and he wants you two. But- join me and I promise you will embark on great journeys with Pizza." He explained. "Who's Pizza?" I asked. "He's the mascot of the whole thing! A llama, and a special one at that." Scar replied. This, now this was the Scar I knew and loved.

Running up to my best friend, I jumped onto him and gave him a hug. A tight one at that. He almost fell, but caught himself and hugged me back. Grian walked up to him and held out his hand. "What do you need us to do?" He asked. Scar grinned, shaking it. "I'm going to act all tough, but truthfully I have no idea how to kill people. Can you help with traps and stuff?" Scar explained.

I nodded. "One boundary though." I said, holding up my index finger to get the point across. "You can't just tell us to kill someone. We're green, so we don't want to directly attack someone unless it's self defence. Traps only." Grian nodded while I spoke, agreeing with me. "Look, deal." Scar said, for some reason grinning. "But we should get a move on before there's too many chapters here." Grian rolled his eyes.

"Chapters?" I asked. Grian just rubbed his forehead, muttering about a broken wall. "Scar!" A voice echoed through the walls. "Quit breaking the 4th wall, we talked about this!!!" I tilted my head. "Who is that?!" I demanded. "The author..." Grian said in a monotone voice. Scar laughed hysterically, clutching his stomach. Grian just told us to move on and forget that happened.

(I had to, Okay? ...Timeskip!)

We were arriving at the so called 'Dogwarts', Me holding rails while Grian clutched TNT mine carts. We put down the enchanting table outside their entrance, with an observer under it, ready to trigger three TNT mine carts. Then, we walked over to the hill near it and watched. Ren came out with Bdubs, and Impulse. Impulse, rather impulsively (😁) mined the enchanted table immediately, despite Ren's warnings.

Nothing. Grian groaned next to me, cursing void quietly. But, they mined the observer and... idiotically the mine carts too. All three died.

Server: Renthedog blew up.

Server: Bdouble0 blew up.

Server: ImpulseSV blew up.

We gasped and cheered, but it didn't last long. Within minutes arrows were firing at us, and we ran for it. We each got our fair share of arrows in our body, but I was especially unlucky, because I collapsed from the damage I had taken. Lying there, I stared with wide eyes as the arrow came flying towards me. It hit. My body went limp, and I woke up in the bed me and Grian had cuddled in. My chat device buzzed.

Server: U/N was shot by Renthedog.

I gasped. I went over to our window, looking at my reflection. The lime eyes replacing my E/C I'd gotten used to, were now... bright yellow. I was on my second life now. I ran to the lobby, grabbing some spare gear. Then out the front door I went, heading straight for Dogwarts.

However, one the way there, my device once again went off. I checked it.

Server: Renthedog was shot by Grian.

Server: Bdouble0 was shot by Grian.

Server: ImpulseSV was shot by GoodTimesWithScar.

I gasped. The boys really did it! I ran faster, getting to the area they should be in. I got onto the hill to find both males screaming in joy, celebrating their victory. Scar saw me from the corner of his eye, and ran up to me. "Oh, thank void your okay!" He yelled, hugging me. "I'm not exactly. Firstly, if you hold onto me any longer I may die and turn red." He let go at that. "Second, I lost my life."

Grian nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry we couldn't save you." He said. "It's alright. These eyes don't suit me, but I think I'll be okay. At least I'm not red like Dogwarts!" I laughed. "Let's go to my temple and celebrate, we won!" Scar exclaimed. We all agreed, and went over to the desert. On top of 'Monopoly Mountain' there was a hand made desert temple, with much much more detail then the ones you can just find.

We partied for the rest of the day, eating cooked beef and cake. Scar mostly just talked about burning the Dogwarts banner in fire. We rode on Pizza, shot fireworks into the air during that day like the fools we were, killed monsters, mined for diamonds. But in the end though some tasks were involved, we all had fun.

Grian and me went ahead after the party, riding home via a boat. He did prank me on the ride, suddenly rocking the wooden boat back and forth. He only stopped once I fell in the water, where he helped me back into the boat. We got home and after putting away the loot we had, got into bed. 

We both laid on one side of the double bed, green and yellow eyes staring into each other, glowing in the dark. "You know..." Grian whispered, eyes boring into my soul. "When you died, I was so scared that you might get killed again and go onto red." I blinked at him. "I was terrified of you going on red." I responded, voice also hushed.

"Can we make a promise?" Grian asked. I hummed in response. "If one of us turns red, never kill the other one." I nodded. "Pinky promise?" I asked playfully. He grinned. "Pinky promise." We shook our pinky's together. I yawned loudly, face flushing red afterwards from embarrassment. "Are you tired?" Grian smiled. "It's been a long day." I answered. He nodded. 

"I think it has for all of us." He said. He then embraced me, holding me close to him. I snuggled up to his chest, to tired to feel much from it. I didn't see it, but his face was red as a tomato when I did this. I quickly fell asleep, saying goodnight before dozing off.

"Sweet dreams N/N."

1172 words! Walls are for breaking. Sorry this was short, but hey! Also, no relationship is all sunshine and rainbows... there's always a rough spot... heh. Stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙 

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