The Mycelium Resistance

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I yawned, waking up from my slumber. For once, instead of feeling tired and groggy, I felt refreshed. And had enough motivation to go flying. I went to my armor stand and grabbed my elytra,  soaring off into the baby blue sky. I went through the clouds, enjoying the damp feel I got afterwards. I did loops anytime I could, laughing for the world to hear.

Not a care in the world.

Well,  that was until I saw a mushroom castle on a island made of mycelium. It took me exactly 2 seconds to know who was behind this. It was his building style, he was the one playing with mycelium last night.

What are you up to, Grian? I thought, landing in front of the build. As if on cue the blond dropped from the sky a few feet away from me, waving. "Grian, what the void are you up to?" I asked as soon as he came towards me. "What do you mean?" He questioned innocently, clearly holding back a grin. I tilted my head towards the castle. 

"Oh! What's that? How did that get there?" He said, putting on a face of false surprise. "What on earth did you do?" I continued with a emotionless voice, not believing him in the slightest.  His grin finally broke out, and he laughed before answering. "Welcome to the Mycelium Resistance, we oppose against Scar and HEP." He replied. "We fight for the spores and the mushrooms." 

I rubbed my temples, turning away from him and letting out a sigh. "Why are you like this?" He died of laughter, dropping down to his knees and clutching his chest. I roll me eyes, not being able to help but smile a little at his shenanigans.  Once he finally calms down and stands back up again, he puts on a serious face and holds out his hand for me. "Y/N, will you join us?"

I reply with no hesitation. "I ain't getting involved in this, absolutely not." It would be more entertaining if I joined him, but I did not want to have to deal with the war bound to come. I would rather just stay neutral. He nodded, not seeming offended, and tilted his head.

"In that case, a date perhaps?" He offered, smiling. I smiled in return and nodded, a light shade of pink creeping onto my cheeks. "Aww their blushing!" He teased, his smile turning into a smirk. "Shut up..." I mumbled, turning away to hide the fact that the pink was transforming to red. He wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Your so cute N/N." I blushed even more, wriggling out of his hold.

"I am telling Scar about the 'Mycelium Resistance'." I said in a unamused tone, glaring at him for the teasing. "Okay, but don't tell him about me being in it, please." He replied, seeming like he genuinely didn't want Scar to know that detail yet. I nodded, grabbing my rockets. He waved as I flew off, smirk still present on his face. I quietly cursed him on the way to Scar's snail, failing to get the blush to fade. 

I crashed into a bush, giggling as I rolled out of the leaves and twigs. I walked to the giant snail and knocked on the wall next to the missing door, waiting. Scar appeared soon enough and I told him the information I got, though not including the Grian part. "On this server? Not really too surprised." Scar said, I agreed afterwards. 

I decided to go visit Xisuma. We never really hung out often, and I had never seen his base before. When I arrived at the jungle biome he had settled in, I nearly choked on air from the view. There was a complex of futuristic towers everywhere, and a large screaming bee statue on top of the archway. I noticed a lot of honey and just yellow blocks scattered around for detail.

It looked amazing.

Soon enough Xisuma showed himself and we began to talk. About midway into the conversation I brought up his admin powers. "Hey, X?" I asked. He hummed in reply. "What's it like to be an admin?" I was curios. Only around 1 in 100 players when they spawn are born with those powers, most of them will never be an admin.

Once they're old enough, admins are brought into training on how to do commands, ban players, start servers, etcetera. I knew what admins were, but, since I'm not one, I never knew what it was like to experience it, what it felt like to start a world. All of that. "Well," Xisuma started.

"It's pretty similar to how the stories describe it.  Training is harsh, and very stressful, but once your out of it then it's a lot of fun. My friend, Generikb, invited me to join the server, as I was too nervous from the words of my teacher to create my own. After a while Generikb left and I became the new admin. It was terrifying at first but now I love it." (A/N: Sorry if that is extremely inaccurate, please tell me if it is and I'll correct it!)

I nodded, now understanding just slightly more. I still had thousands of questions, but refrained myself from stating them. After a few more minutes of chatting I said my farewells and left, going back to my castle. It was almost done, just a few more details here and there and I'd be finished. I had also framed a screenshot of me and Grian, that was up on the wall just above my huge bed.

In it, I was smiling at the camera with blush on my face while Grian kissed my cheek, his wings spread out and becoming the background. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I was using my fingers to make bunny ears above his head. I smiled at the photo, deciding to do some gardining.

I harvested the wheat in my backyard, wanting to make some bread or possibly cake out of it later. I looked up at the gorgeous blue sky with a content expression, sitting  down in a small patch of flowers. Life was great, and I couldn't be happier at the moment.

If only I had remembered at the time,

Good things never last.

1042 words! Oh my dear readers, did you really think I would give you a purely wholesome fluffy book? No, no I'm not. Stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

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