Sick Days

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It had been a few days since the gift.

Grian had gotten me a massive meadow, with a charming, vine covered bench in the middle for our 1 year anniversary.

It was perfect. And all I got him was a measly diamond necklace.

I needed more  or else I'd feel guilty for months.

So, here I was, in the snow biome, trying to get some ice so that I could return the favour.

I wanted to build a big skating rink for the two of us, as a date place. I had, unfortunately, forgotten to put something warm on, and was freezing.

I'd be fine, though. I always was.

(Timeskip to a few days later)

I regretted not dressing properly in the temperature.

Because now, I was in my bed, ice hidden in a chest behind my bookshelf, coughing my lungs out.

My skin was paler then normal, the parts around my eyes raw from them being rubbed so much, my H/C hair (If you have any) a mess, sticking out everywhere.

Quite frankly, I looked, and felt, terrible.

I didn't have any plans today (luckily) so I just lied down in my bed and rested. I didn't have anyone coming to the house.

Or so I thought, because the guys had other things in mind.

 "Hi Y/N!" Mumbo called, the other two copying after. Grian, Mumbo and Scar were all here while I was extremely sick. Awesome. "Heeey guys..." I said tiredly, not even bothering to cover up my illness. "Y/N? You alright?" Scar yells, footsteps approaching my room. "I'm sick, please don't come in!" I warned. Surprise surprise, they didn't listen at all.

"Your sick?" Grian repeated, now in the room with the other two boys. I nodded with a tired expression. "I'll make some soup, warm food will help!" Scar stated, walking out and heading to the kitchen. Grian and Mumbo stayed behind. "Do you want me to bring the cats?" Grian asked. I confirmed that I did. "I could tell you about my red stone idea...?" Mumbo hesitantly offered. "I'd love to hear about it." I said with a smile as Grian came back in with my pets.

"It's a little silly." Mumbo warned. I just laughed. "Oh isn't everything?" I pointed out after I was done. He smiled and nodded. Grian sat next to me and gave me a side hug as Mumbo began to share his idea. "So," He began. "I'm thinking of having a big super computer. Like, an A.I for if I need help with anything. And like, it'll have a big moustache and a jingle for when it's operating, and it's moustache will wiggle when it's done. Also, it's answer could come out of a dispenser on paper."

He finished. I hummed, nodding thoughtfully. "It honestly sounds awesome. But, what're you gonna call it?" He thought for a minute, then shook his head, shrugging. "Maybe... uh... Mumbo Bot?" He suggested, then sighed. "No, doesn't sound good at all." He said. "Mumbot?" Grian offered. "Maybe. It's better, but still doesn't roll off the tongue right." He replied. "What's it's personality gonna be like?" I asked.

"It's a machine..." Mumbo explained. "I know, but what I mean is like, on the responses, is it going to be really wholesome and cheerful, or sarcastic and funny, or... that kinda thing." He made an 'O' shape with his mouth, before answering. "I think sarcastic and a little grumpy. Like, always annoyed but funny about it in a sarcastic way." He said. "Grumbot?" I stated. "What?" He asked. "For the name, Grumbot."

"...I actually love it."

I cheered, then started coughing again. It was then then Scar came in, beetroot soup in hand. I took it from him gratefully, eating a spoonful. It was peaceful for a small amount of time until I accidentally spilled burning hot soup onto Grian. He let go of me immediately, hissing slightly before calming down again. Scar and Mumbo giggled into their palms as I proceeded to frantically apologize to Grian, him just trying (and failing) to let me know he was fine.

I forgot about being sick for hours, until they all left. That was the magic of friends. I smiled to myself as I drank an awkward potion to help. (A/N Look I wanted medicine here what else was I supposed to put?!)

I really did have a good life, and sick or not, I loved it.

(Timeskip #2)

I had gotten better. I now had re-unlocked the ability to breath through my nose. However, Grian had caught whatever I had and was now sick. I felt bad honestly, and I had made some mushroom soup before flying to his hobbit hole house. Awkward potions in hand, soup in a shulker box, I was fully decked out for healing.

I felt slightly silly, but I was still determined to make Grian feel better quickly. Part of my need to do so was because at some point when we were on a date, Grian had told me that one of the things he hated most was getting sick. I finally made it to the hill, entering through the door. It was suspicious that his door was never missing but others doors around the area were all the time. 

I didn't have enough of a problem to investigate. My door had only been stolen two or three times, so I couldn't care less. At this rate I knew it was probably Grian, but again, did not give a crap. I stepped into the house, hearing coughs coming from the bedroom. I walked into said room, noticing the lump of blankets on the bed in the middle of it. "Grian." I called softly. A groan came in response from under the wool covers. 

"I have some things to help." I continued, making my way over to the bed. The lump wriggled around a bit, before a head popped out from the side, turning towards me. He looked exactly how I felt when I was ill. "If this is how you felt my sympathy just increased for you." He said in between coughs. "I feel noticed, finally my pain has been recognized." I stated. He smiled in reply, sticking out a hand for me to take. I took it, and he pulled me in under the blankets for cuddles.

"Grian I don't think you can eat in this position." I commented. "I need affection more then soup." He mumbled. I sighed, refusing it and escaping from him. "Eat." I demanded, pushing it towards him. He grumbled a little but took it anyways, pouting whilst eating the hot food. As he finished the small meal, he looked towards me with a question. "How did you get this sick in the first place?" He asked. "I was underdressed in a snowy biome." I answered. "Why were you in a snowy biome in the first place?"

I quickly thought of a coverup story. "I wanted to prank someone with snow golems and couldn't find any snow in my chests." I lied. He seemed to (to my relief) believe me. I gave him some awkward potions, which he took gratefully. After a bit of talking, I left to do some tasks. I had managed to build my shop, which was making quite a few diamonds, and now moved on to the next task of my Hermitcraft to-do list. My mega base. 

I didn't really want to do pixel art again, so I decided on a house like thing. Or, to be more specific, a fairytale palace. I had vines and a big grand entrance and flags and big windows and- a lot of ideas. I already had my design and some dirt base frame, now I wanted to get started on the walls. I used andesite mostly, with a bit of stone and polished andesite in there too for a mix of blocks. The window frame was made out of blackstone, with flowers in grass blocks and trapdoors lining the bottom. There was also the occasional patch of vines or stairs for missing bricks on it, but not too much.

It looked great, but my mental health after building for so long wasn't. So, with baggy eyes and sore limbs I flew back to my cabin and collapsed onto the bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

It had been a few weeks full of sick days, hadn't it?

1373 words! I wrote this because I was sick and wanted to share my misery! I'm still sick, but a lot better then from when I started this. Uh, a late merry Christmas if you celebrate it, stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

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