imaginations are real

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Tommy was always told that he had a very imaginative mind whatever that meant. Whenever you saw him he would be high on energy running around screaming about whatnot. If you saw him being calm then you would either think that the 4-year-old was either tired or with playing with the animals… or eating the mud that was in the play yard.

Now you would think that he would have many friends with his extroverted tendencies. But the truth is he tried he really did but people didn’t want to play with him and they would call him names.

But thankfully his imaginary friend was always there for him!

Whether it be walking him home from school when his family forgot… or playing with him when no one else would… or even comforting him when he would have nightmares!

He was so happy to have such a great friend even when no one else could see him.


Now it was art time for his class. Tommy always liked art class because he could make a mess and call it art!

Today they were drawing their family now Tommy wasn’t… upset per se but he was hoping to finger paint not use crayons and markers better yet draw his family. But he didn’t want to upset Mr. Sam so he got to work. He drew it how he saw it how it was. Now no one was sitting at his table so he got all of the colors to himself which he was very grateful for he didn’t like waiting for people to be done with the crayons so he could use them.

Tommy put what looked to be a blob of green and yellow on the far right of the picture and two smaller blobs of pink and brown, and yellow and brown tight next to the taller figure. Then he put a small blob of yellow and red closer to the left side not at the end of the page no that was saved for one more. The last blob that was put on was a lot taller than the rest of them and it looked to have horns it was colored mostly black and red.

“Now what do we have here?”  A shadow fell over the boy.

“Schlatt! Look we're drawing our families and I drew us and Phil, Tech, and Wil! Look I’m even adding a background!”

Now while the boy was explaining the picture he was so very proud of he didn’t notice the fond glint in his friend’s eye or the way his eyebrows had furrowed at the mention of his so-called family.

“That’s great kid. I bet Sam will give you the biggest gold star he has for it. Of course only because I’m in it and we can’t forget your amazing art skills.”

“Of course, no one can beat me when it comes to my amazing art. I am the best at art.”

While Tommy was boasting about how he was the greatest to his friend he didn’t notice his teacher walking around the classroom to him after talking to all of the other students. He looked over Tommy’s shoulder to see what he had drawn. Now Sam should be happy that at least this time Tommy had followed the prompt of drawing the family but he was too worried about what was in the pitcher that he didn’t seem to care about that right now. He knew that Tommy had an Imaginary friend but he didn’t know what they had looked like. Cutting into Tommy’s conversation with what looked like himself.

“Hey, Tommy whos this in your pitcher?”

“That’s Schlatt! My best friend! Look I followed what you said today do I get a gold sticker?”

“Of course how could I say no to you Tommy? But what is your family doing all the way over there wouldn’t you want them to be closer to you?”

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