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"Shoyo, can we talk?"

The male tangerine stopped at his track. He don't want to talk to his 'boyfriend', cause of embarrassment. The scene from yesterday keeps playing on his head like a broken stereotype.

"Sho, please."

He bit his lower lip and turned to his tall boyfriend behind him.

"S-sure. Lead the way." Tsukishima let out a deep sighed before walking to the nearest park.

Hinata followed behind him, still looking down cause he felt ashamed for jumping on his own conclusions.  He still don't know how to face his salty boyfriend but he don't have a choice and talk to him.

As they got into the park, Tsukishima silently sat on the bench. He looked at his boyfriend who's still standing in front of him while fidgeting. He lick his lower lip out of frustration before pulling Hinata gently into his lap.

"What's wrong?" The blonde guy asked as he caressed his shorty boyfriend's cheeks. "What's our problem Hon?"

'Stop pretending! I know you know.' -Hinata

Hinata roamed his eyes around the park averted his boyfriend's gaze. Tsukishima notice it and sigh.

"Babe, how can we solve our problems if you keep avoiding me?"

'Cause I feel guilty! And I felt bad and mad to myself!' -Hinata

Hinata gulped and turned at Tsukishima with tears in his eyes.

"I.....I'm sorry. I jumped on my own conclusions. My thoughts ate me! I'm sorry, I got mad at you and I'm sorry if I let my pride overtake me." Hinata started to cry as Tsukishima is trying to calm him down.

"Shhh....I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I didn't listen. Let's fix this hmm?" The male tangerine nod and pulled away to sit on the bench next to his salty boyfie.

Hinata cleared his throat. Calming himself.

"I.....I tought y-your'e cheating on me." Kei didn't say any words and just listen. "Tanaka-san and Noya-san told me that they saw you.....with a-another girl. And being me, I started to overthink........... I still don't believe them, not until you s-showed up late with messy hair and sweaty." Hinata took a deep breath while laughing to himself.

What and idiot, Shoyo. He thought before he continue.

"I s-started to panick, specially w-when I saw a...... r-red mark on your neck. I was furious specially when I saw you with that girl who's clinging to you. My mind goes blank that time and I snap. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those painful words. I'm sorry. I'm the worst."

I said some really obnoxious thing about the girl. I even slapped her hard! Across her face, without thinking! I am really the worst boyfriend. He thought.

Hinata burst into tears while covering his face with his bare hands. Tsukishima hug his side to console him.

"No you are not. It's also my fault. I didn't tell you that she's my cousin. And I understand that you're just jealous. But sometimes, jealousy can ruin our life." Tsukishima planted a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

"I know! That's why I'm guilty! My guilt is eating me! I'm sorry I felt jealous, I'm just scared that someone will steal you away from me. I can't bear that." He said while still in tears.

"I know....hush. I'm sorry If I got mad and yelled at you yesterday."

They both stayed in silent. A comfortable one. Hinata is still crying and Tsukishima is consoling him.

After Hinata calmed, Tsukishima stood up and offer his hand. Hinata held his hand and they started walking in a slow pace.

"No matter what happen, I'll stand by yourside. I'll never replace you. You're the only one for me Sho." Tsukishima stopped at his track, causing the smaller male to stop also.

"Always remember this. Even if we stop talking to each other. I want you to know that I love you, with all of my heart. I am serious with you and I want you to be my husband and partner for the rest of my life." The tall blonde guy cupped his boyfriend cheeks. "Even though you're stupid."

"Hey!" Hinata puffed causing the blonde male to giggle.

"You are my stupid sun. I love you."

"And you are my salty moon. I love you too."


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