Start Over. 02

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Typographical and Typogrammatical errors ahead. Characters and some places that used  throught the story weren't mine.

Band AU, second part.


Its been three nights since the concert had started and things turned well after their first night concert. Tsukishima asked Hinata to had a private talk for them to clear all the things they have or put an end to it. Who knows?

Today is the fourth night of their world tour here in Japan. The band members were having their make up retouch for their next performance. The ginger head was seen taking a nap while having his make up retouch. Tsukishima smiled and walked towards the latter.

"Ara~" he muttered and pinched the ginger head nose. The latter responded by shoving the blonde's hand.

"Aishh." Hinata hissed that made the blonde guy chuckles.

Tsukishima smirked when he thought of something. He fished his phone out of his pocket and took a shot of the sleeping ginger face. He smiled when he saw the result and made it as his lockscreen.

Tsukishima was about to take another shot when the ginger head opened his eyes. Tsukishima cleared his throat and hid his phone away.

"Oh, you're now awake shrimpy." He said in a sarcastic way.

"Shut up." Hinata rolled his eyes and rose up from his seat and thanked his makeup artist.

"Yossha! Its your time to own the stage!" Sugawara barged into the room with a smile on his face.

"Hai!" The three said in unison while the blonde just hummed.

They made their way through the back stage and the silent crowd went wild again as they make their way at the center of the stage. Hinata waved to the crowd and strum his guitar together with Tsukishima.

The audience screams in glee and sing along with them while waving their lightstick vibing the mood in the whole arena. The band members felt the music through their hearts as they sang one of their song.

Still can't believe that they have reached one of their dreams for the band. Now, they are now successful and contented on what they have right now. But not everything were in their hands as of now, just like the two guitarist who kept looking at each other.

Yamaguchi shook his head in desbelief seeing the two vocalist kept stealing glances with one another. He took a deep sigh and let the two guys be, he enjoyed the rhytm and let the music healed his tired system.

Tsukishima strum his guitar and made a minute intro before nodding his head at the two guys behind him, who also responded by nodding. Hinata frowned and somehow felt left out. He pouted and a faint chuckle was heard at the background, he turn to look at blonde guy and rolled his eyes.

"This song is called 'Not another song about love', one of our unreleased song...hope you enjoy this before the night ends." Tsukishima said and glance at Hinata.

Tsukishima strum his guitar and Hinata nods and caught up with his bandmates. The song started and Hinata let the blonde guy have his solo tonight.

'Let it out, been building up you better let it out
Say everything that you've been meaning now
I want it to burn

When you tell me that I'm such a wreck
It isn't easy cleaning up your mess
Its like I've got a rope around my neck
He say's it won't hurt...'

Kageyama started to play his drum and Yamaguchi played along. On the other hand, Hinata was lowering his head as he strum his guitar, enjoying the music but in reality he was in deep thought.

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