[Dec. 3] Sweater

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"Let's confess today!!"

Shoyo covered his ears, tired of hearing those words from his classmates. He doesn't have any idea on what's going on. He's too busy and his mind is too occupied about volleyball. He does not know that there's something going on for today that people can't stop talking about.

"What's the matter?" Yamaguchi asked when he notice his friend frowning.

"I....I'm curious! Like what the hell is going on? Everytime I walked passed by, all I heard is 'confess' and about the....sweater?" the freckled guy chuckled.

"Well....Let me explain it to you." Shoyo face lit up. Yamaguchi smiled and drag the ginger male in the back of the gym.

"So?" Shoyo asked with excitement.

The freckled guy sighed. "They said, when someome gave you their sweater at December 3, it means......that person is confessing at you. They like you. They want to express their feeling towards you."

"Ahh, that's why I saw them gaving their sweater to someone. Ohh, and Oikawa-san came here to gave his sweater to Kageyama earlier, but shhhh don't tell him that I told you okay?"

Yamaguchi smirked at the news he heard. He shook his head while watching  the tangerine roaming his eyes around like hiding from someone. He knows how the two fight with each other so he decided to shut his mouth,  for the sake of Shoyo.

The green haired man turned at his side and smiled when he see his bestfriend looking at the tangerine. He whistle and slowly walking backwards. He want them to be alone.

"Yamaguchi please do--" he got cut off by a sudden figure infront of him.

He's not Yamaguchi, it was the tall blonde guy with glasses. Looking directly at his hazel eyes. He took one step backward with an awkward smile plastered on his face.

"T-tsukishima!" He said in a uncomfortable tone, but still smiling.

The said blonde guy sighed and held his hand as he drag the smaller one to their clubroom. Their afternoon practice began. Nothing interesting happened except for Tobio who's watching Hinata eye to eye everyminute. Since the tangerine knows his secret.

"I won't tell." Hinata mouthed but he recieved a glare from the latter.

He pouted and stormed off. Yamaguchi just chuckled when he saw his bestfriend fist, clenching and ready to punch. Jealous. Yamaguchi thought while playing the ball in his hand.

After the practice ended. Tsukishima and Hinata cleaned the gym. They were assigned to clean and lock the gym. 

"Ahh, what a pain!" Shoyo whine while waiting for Tsukishima to locked the gym.

Tsukishima putted the key inside his pocket once he closed the gym door. He walked beside Hinata who's ovbiously freezing to death. He only wear a plain white shirt and a black short.

I forgot my sweater at the locker room. He thought while silently blaming himself. Tsukishima shook his head while watching the tangerine freezing cause of his stupidity.

Maybe this is the right time. He thought. He won't notice right? And besides he's stupid!

He sighed and removed his sweater after debating to himself. He moved closer to the smaller one and without hesitation he put his sweater to Hinata, who seems surprise.

"T-tsukishima-kun." the blonde guy just 'tsk' but a smile showed in his lips.

Shoyo smiled back at him not until he remembered what Yamaguchi told him ealier. Tje sweater......He looked at the sweater he's wearing and back to Tsukishima.

He smiled to himself. Does this mean.....He like me too?! Wahhhh!

"Stop spacing out, let's go." the blonde guy said before walking ahead but stopped after hearing Hinata's words.

"I.....I like you, T-tsukishima kun." He turned back and saw the smaller one fidgeting.

"What?" he asked with shock written on his face.

The tangerine pouted and sighed. "I said I like you!"

Tsukishima got even more surprise. His heart skip a beat that he could already die. He blink several times and after processing the situation, he stood up properly and looked at the tangerine.

"I like you too....."He said with a serious tone, but with smiling.


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