Start Over. 01

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Typographical and Typogrammatical errors ahead. Characters and some places that used  throughout the story weren't mine.

Band AU.


The venue was packed and sound of shoutings added to the cacophony on the arena. Many fans has gathered as their favorite band were now having their 1st day of their wold tour here in Japan.

"The time has come, good luck boys!" Sugawara, the manager of Hell'o boyz—beamed.

"Thank you Sugawara-san!" Yamaguchi—the band pianist and also the leader, smiled.

"Hai! Thanks Suga-san." Hinata—the band main vocalist and bass guitarist, said with the same enthusiasm as their manager.

"Tsk," a faint voice was heard at the background.

Hinata turn his head around to see a tall blonde wearing a spec with his usual annoyed face. The ginger head brows, furrowed. He stared at the man who also gave him a blank stare.

"What now shrimpy?" Tsukishima asked in a monotonous voice. He's the lead vocalist and the infamous rhytm guitarist.

"Don't you know the word respect? Stingy-shima." The ginger vocalist asked with the same tone, squinting his eyes at the other guy.

"I should be the one asking you that," a faint smirk plays around his lips, "neh Hinata, can you do the word respect?"

Hinata mouth twitched hearing the blonde's retorts. He click his tongue many times and gave the latter a death glare.

"Oh~ I'm scared. The shrimp's glare sends shivers down my spine, I'm doomed!" Tsukishima scoffed and glared back at the ginger head.

The tension between the two guitarist was getting thicker and suffocated for the others, witnessing the scene. Sugawara tried to break the tension surrounding them by pulling Hinata away from the blonde.

Yamaguchi on the other hand, patted his friend back trying to calm him down. Kageyama, the other member of the band heaves a sigh. He picked his drum sticks and walked out of the room to throw his milk cartoon box outside.

He shook his head in disbelief. He can't believe that two of his friends were falling apart and them who can't do anything for them to make up. He took a deep breath and click his tongue.

"Those guys," he mumbled. He run his fingers through his blue locks and closed his eyes.

Recalling some of their old memories together as a band, his mouth curved into a small smile. He remembered how their group started with a few fans and came from nothing, he also remembered how close the two guitarist were way back their old days. They used to be lovey dovey and sweet with each other as they also used to date, even before Tsukishima made the Hell'o boyz—which is their band.

Kageyama and Yamaguchi witnessed on how their two guitarist loved each other over the years, they also witnessed on how things fall apart between the two three years ago that affected their band and was about to disband if its not for Sugawara's help.

The two didn't leave the band, thanks to Sugawara who convinced them not to leave. They still performed on stage and set aside their problems on work. They played very well, like nothing happened. But even if they hide their feelings, the two other members knew that their love with in each other didn't vanished, they're just in denial and was blinded by hatred.

"You can do it guys! Fighting!" Sugawara beamed for the second time.

The members of the band hummed as their response and made their way on the stage while the lights were still off.

The audience became wild when they heard a rhytm guitar started playing, it was Tsukishima and the members took it as their que to start. The lights went on and soon they started playing different kind of their songs.

They let the music take their hearts away and for them to enjoy the concert tonight. The audience went along with them having a blissful night with their favorite band.

The time went by and the concert is now at the end. Hinata took the mic and shouted in glee which their fans responded with the same energy.

Hinata giggled and took a deep breath, "this is the last song..." he said panting, "for tonight."

"Ehh..." the audience responded in dismay.

The band members chuckles that roared around the whole arena, owing to their mics. Their fans yells in delight and Hinata nods for them to start.

Yamaguchi started to press some keys from his keyboards that made their fans roared. "Oh~...Hmm~."

'I could say I never dare to think about you
in the way, but I would be lyin.'

A smile formed into Yamaguchi's lips when their ginger main vocalist sang the first part. 'Expressing your feelings, eh.' He thought then took a glance at Hinata.

'And I pretend I'm happy for you
When you find some dude to take home
But I won't deny that...'

Hinata took a quick glance at the certain blonde who's strumming his guitar with a scowl on his face. He remembered seeing him with other guy before that somehow made his blood boiled.

'In the midst of the crowds
In the shapes in the clouds
I don't see nobody but you...'

Tsukishima turned to look at Hinata with a soft gaze, letting the others surrounding them faded into the universe. 'Only you.' He thought and a small smile appeared on his face. Hinata closed his eyes as he felt the music engraved to his soul.

'In my rose-tinted dreams
Wrinkled silk on my sheets
I don't see nobody but you..'

Tsukishima moved closer to his mic and decided to join his ex-lover, in the chorus. He stared at the ginger head who also stared back at him.

'Boy you got me hooked on something
Who could say they saw us coming?
Tell me, do you feel the love?'

"YES!" The crowd cheered when the two guitarist sang the chorus part while both staring at each others.

The ginger was taken aback at first when the blonde joined him but soon recovered and flashed the other guy his signature bright smile. Tsukishima eyes widened, seeing Hinata's bright smile for the first time in three years sent butterflies in his stomach. He still not use to his smile and it only sent his heart a pounding rush. Without his notice, a small smile on his face became wider.

'Spend a summer or a lifetime with me
Let me take you to the place of your dreams
Tell me, do you feel the love?'

'We do...' Both Yamaguchi and Kageyama thought while watching the two singing their hearts out.

Despite of their hatreds toward each other, both guitarist stayed professional on their work for a long time. Not having a single thought of sharing the same feelings while singing and standing on the same stage. Ever since they broke up, they both became distant, who wouldn't? and not to make the matter worse and awkward, both argreed to set aside their problems and kept their emotions to themselves.

But tonight is different, they let their feelings be shared while singing under the full moon who owned the night sky, just like the old days when they used to sing on small stages every festivals or battle of the bands. Singing is one of their many ways to express their feelings towards each other. And it looks like they let their guard down and let their feelings take an action.

"It's never too late for them to start over." Sugawara muttered with a big grinned on his face. 'Geez, this two.' He thought while watching in awe.


Music Playing: Double Take by Dhruv.

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