Mr. Sunflower

390 11 3

Typographical and Typogrammatical errors ahead. Characters and some places that used  throughtout the story weren't mine.

Florist AU.


"Hinata-san, your boyfriend dropped this off earlier." One of the employee said as she reached the bouquet of crochet tulips and a box of small cake behind the cashier.

"Eh? You mean Tsukishima?" He asked, brows furrowed.

"Yes Hinata-san, and he said that you better read the note. And I badly need to go Hinata-san, thank you for having me today."

Hinata smile and nods, "it's okay, you also need to rest Karin and thank you for helping me today."

Hinata arranged the flowers after one of his employee left, Karin ask for leave as she catch colds cause of the weather. Hinata didn't want to torture his employee and aprroved her leave. As Hinata watering the plants, the crochet tulips caught his attention, he heaves out a sigh and stopped his doings.

"What is this all about?" He asked himself as he picked up the said bouquet. A small note appeared and caught his attention.

'Dress casually for me hun, I'll pick you up later.
Let's have a date. I missed you.


Hinata rolled his eyes after reading the letter, but a small stubborn smile escaped from his thin lips. He was mad at his said boyfriend, but when he do something just for them to make up, he can't help but to smile, he knew that those things he was doing was out of the blonde's character yet he is willing to do it.

Hinata heaves out a heavy sigh and nods at himself. Since Tsukishima is inviting him to a date, he decided to closed his flower shop early to prepare himself for their date, which he didn't know where at as the latter kept it as a secret.

A grin plastered on his thin lips as he saw his own reflection at the mirror. He knew his boyfriend wanted a simple yet decent, but he can't help himself to simply dress well especially for his boyfriend who he can be with after a month of cool-off. It was a fair decision they had made cause of busy schedules and a misunderstanding.

"A date huh." He muttered, tilting his head aside while observing hisself.

The door bell rang and it echoed the whole apartment of his, he turned over at the door's direction and mentally sighed. It's been a month since he last saw his boyfriend and the ending didn't end well. He's nervous!, nervous while thinking over some possibilities that might happen, more what if's that most of all doesn't seem right.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his palm together before opening the door. A tall blonde guy with a spec greeted him, he's wearing a white turtle neck that was tuck in his black slacks, it's a smiple outfit yet decent. He looks expensive than he is already, and it sends Hinata in awe.

"H-hey! You're here," the ginger said while averting Tsukishima's gaze.

Tsukishima chuckles at his lover's action, "and I missed you too, baby."

Hearing those words made the ginger guy to looked at Tsukishima. The blonde guy softened as he looked at his lover's face, oh how much he misses this guy and now he can't refrain himself to engulfed his boyfriend in a tight yet gentle hug.

Hinata was taken aback but soon return the action. He closed his eyes as he felt something warm forming in the corner of his eyes. The couple stayed at their position, letting the silence runs between them as they stay comfortable.

"I like this, it's warm." Hinata muttered that made Tsukishima cracked a smile.

"Hmm, it's almost time for the sun to set down." The taller guy commented.

Hinata chuckles, a frown appeared at Tsukishima's forehead as he was confused. "Did I say something funny?"

Hinata looked up at him and smiled, "nothing, but what I mean is.....I want to stay with you cause it made me feel warm and safe."

Tsukishima eyes widened and can't help but to blush, the ginger saw it and helds the latter's hand. "Let's go, without letting each other go."

Tsukishima nod, "Hmm."

The two started their date without intentions of letting go, letting their palms to clasped while feeling each other's warm. Their date started at the café nearby Hinata's apartment, as the shop was one of their favorite place. They enjoyed their day without any problems, thanks to their maturity to understand each other's perspective and closed their missunderstanding withouth any conflict.

The last place they're heading right now is the beach, this is one of their habits, to go to the beach during sunset after their dates. It became traditional to both of them, and the beach became sentimental for them.

"I missed this," Hinata looked over the setting sun on the horizon, "thank you."

"All for you," Tsukishima responded, "and yeah, I missed this too, especially to be with you "

Tsukishima averted his gaze at the scenery infront of him and turned his full attention at the guy standing beside him. He looked at him softly, watching his side profile, eye-closed that gave his long eyelashes to shine while hugging the breeze of wind that coming towards them, his hair that's swaying along with the wind, with his skin being kissed by the sun and the most genuine smile all over his face, it's perfect, he's perfect.

A perfect scenery of a flower under the setting sun.

"Why don't you go and check your car, instead of watching me?" Hinata turned at his side, raising an eyebrow.

"What's on my car?" The blonde asked.

"Why don't you go and check it yourself?" Hinata responded, sticking his tongue out and run towards the water.

Tsukishima sighed and can only shrugged, he stayed for a couple of seconds to watched over his lover before walking towards his car, curious at his lover words. He gently opened the door and chuckles slip out of his lips as he saw the most beautiful thing place at his seat.

'A boquet of fresh sunflowers, your favorites, and the symbol of our love. Thank you for not letting go. I love you~


P.S. I do not know how to make a crochet flowers :)'

He picked the boquet of sunflowers and put it under his nose, only to smell the fragant of fresh flowers, he loves it! Perks of having a florist boyfriend.

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