Cruel Summer 02

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Summer Camp AU. Second part.


"This is wrong." Hinata muttered under his breath when they broke the kiss.

He looked up to Tsukishima but saw Akaashi's image with a bright genuine smile carved on his face. He was taken aback and felt guilty on his action, but somehow he felt happy.

"I know, Shoyo." Tsukishima took Hinata's hand and placed it on his chest. "But my heart says otherwise."

Hinata pursed his lips and look away, he was about to pull his hand back when Tsukishima tightened his grip in a gentle way.

"Yours too." Hinata gulped as he bit his inner cheek.

Tsukishima is right. Theres a part of him that screams 'it was the right thing to do'. He felt conflicted at the moment, his heart and mind wasn't in sync! His mind was blank and his heart was dancing in joy. He don't know what to do or what to feel.

"Kei, I-I don't know what to say. What if someone saw us and worst, post it in social media? You know how fast the news can f-fly!" Hinata rose up from his seat and started to pace back and forth.

"Especially, we both known in our industry so w-what will our boyfriends do when the news reached them? And w-what would they feel knowing that--" Hinata words were cut off when a pair of lips suddenly crushed into his.

He tried to pulled away but soon melted in the process. And for the second time, he let his feelings controlled him.

"Follow what your heart says, Sho."

The days passed by and since then, Tsukishima and Hinata decided to continue what they left behind. They hid their relationship infront of a dozen eyes. And when they're all alone, they act like they own the whole word. Expressing their feelings towards each other and knowing that they'll wake up by the arms of one another is what matters to them. They both feel safe and sound, and both found each others home. They know that it was wrong and can affect the others, yet they decided to follow their hearts.

One week before the summer camp ended, the host of the camp gave an activies by pair. They need to collect any different kind of fruits that has a shape of circle, whoever gets a lot of kinds, wins.

Tsukishima pulled Hinata into the forest where most of the fruits planted. They stroll around hand in hand with a smile plastered on both faces. Tsukishima took the fruits that grows in the tall trees, while Hinata took the others that only grew in a small one. Hinata complained but Tsukishima just teased him off.

"Neh Kei, what if they found out?" Hinata asked with a hint of guilt laced in his voice.

Tsukishima took a deep breath as he pick the apple from the tree. "Then I'll take the consequences."

Tsukishima walked closer to his ginger boyfriend and towered him. He plastered a smile and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"All for you, I love you."

Little did they know that there's a person tailing behind them. Capturing all of their moments together with a genuine smile plastered around his lips. He shipped the two male ever since he was junior, so seeing them being together made his heart dancing in excitement.


"This is our last night here in camp." Hinata muttered between in Tsukishima's arms.

"Hmmm." The blonde replied and planted a small kisses at the top edge of Hinata's shoulder.

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