One last Time

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Typographical and Typogrammatical errors ahead. Characters and some places that used  throughout the story weren't mine.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I am running out of ideas and to continue this story, you, my readers can request a plot, ideas or your ideal AU. I would love to write down and make a story through out your ideas. But take note, I am not good as others.

Hospital AU.


Its been a week since Hinata has been nursing Tsukishima and it's been a week since the accident happened that puts Tsukishima in a coma.

"Wake up you beanpole." Hinata muttered with a frown.

He was done checking his vital signs and changed his IV fluids. He decided to clean the blonde guy using the towel and change his hospital clothes after.

"Yamaguchi visited a while ago, he gave flowers and fruits for you. Heck, even Kageyama came by with his girlfriend." Hinata smiled recalling their visits earlier.

The ginger nurse sighed. "Now, I'm done."

He clean the room first and fixed his things before going back to his station. He still has two hours before his night shift ends, he also needs to roam around and arrange some of the files before the endorsement. But time sure know how to fly fast.

Once he's done from his procedure, he packed all of his things and logged out from the main computer and decided to have a quick visit to Tsukishima before going home.

"Sorry for intrusion." He said softly before closing the door gently.

"Hey," he pulled the chair close to him and sat down. "I'm off duty tomorrow and I won't visit you since I do have a lot of works to do and I just came by here to say...I still hate you, but I am now ready to listen so wake up now, Dr. Tsukishima."

Tsukishima Kei. A tall blonde handsome man that adored by many residence in the hospital beside from his brain and looks, Tsukishima is known nationwide for being one of the A-list Neuro Surgeon in the country.

Unfortunately, Tsukishima was caught into the accident that happened recently in Hyogo, where in Hinata is working as a nurse. There's a bomb expulsion happened that puts people into their death bed. No one knew why did it happened, and who caused the incident.

"I'll go ahead." The ginger head nurse bowed and leave the room.

He doesn't need to stay there for so long since he can't, owing to their not so good memories that he had with the blonde Doctor, but like what he said, he's ready to listen and maybe forgive him.

Hinata was about to leave the building when a doctor called him to borrow some of his time. He rushed back inside, tailing the doctor running to room 312.

'312?...wait, this is Tsukishima's room! What the heck happened?' He felt his heart tightened as he walked inside the room, only to see the blonde patient sitting on his bed.

"Huh?" Hinata muttered in disbelief.

'Tsukishima...He's...he's awake!' A small smile formed into his lips as he stared at the blonde doctor.

"Your vitals are normal...and I am glad that you woke up now, but you're still under observation and please do have a rest." The doctor left with his nurse after Tsukishima thank him.

"I'll leave you two." Hinata mouth twitched as he sent his doctor a death glare.

'Curse you Atsumu-san.' The fake blonde doctor smirk and mouthed 'talk to him', before closing the door.

Silence filled the room after Atsumu left them. Hinata heaves a long heavy sigh and decided to break the ice. He turn to looked at Tsukishima who is also staring at him.

"Uhmm," Hinata cleared his troath and walked towards the chair.

"I'm sorry," the ginger nurse was taken aback, he was about to say something but decided to hear the other guy first.

"I know I hurted you, but please listen to me," Tsukishima took a deep breath and continue, "I didn't mean to hurt you I swear, but it's the only thing I could do to save my family and you."

"Korai-san mother threatened me that I might lose my scholarship once I disobeyed her and I couldn't do that. You know we had financial problems before and being a doctor is my dream..."

"And you choose to let me go and worst framed me... I would have understand it if you told me earlier, yet you choose to hurt me." Hinata clicked his tongue, refraining himself from crying.

"I've suffered in silence...until now." Hinata mumbled and tears escaped his eyes.

"I'm sorry," the only word that the blonde uttered. "I became selfish and desperate that time, and believe me or not, I did that for you so you can leave and be free. I am also confident that you'll reached your dreams someday without me, and you did..."

"Hinata," the ginger nurse pursed his lips, "I am proud of you."

Hearing those words from the blonde guy made the ginger head burst into tears. The emotions that he kept for so long was now showing through his tears. Tsukishima felt the pain he had caused and cursed himself for doing those things before. He admitted, he was a jerk for letting him go and for being selfish that cause both of them to suffer.

Hinata didn't expect that he's one of the reasons why the blonde guy choose to framed him, but now he understand. He did all of those for him and his family.

"You can also be stupid eh." Hinata commented while wipping his tears off his face.

Tsukishima smiled, "and I am offended."

Hinata let out a small chuckles and nods, "and I forgive you."

Tsukishima eyes widened and lower his head, feeling guilty on how fast the latter forgave him. "Why?...why give me another chance to mess things up?"

"Because I love you..." Hinata said softly.

He hate to admit it but to all those years had passed, he still love the blonde guy infront of him. He hates him for causing him pain, but the love he have for the guy didn't vanished. He even attended the graduation of Tsukishima secretly and even watched some of his interview live or online.

"Aren't you suppose to slap me or punch me?" Tsukishima asked in an undertone.

"Why would I?" Hinata giggled. " Yes, I was furious back then but everything has a reason...and you know I can't stay mad forever."

"But you said earlier that you still hate me," Tsukishima pursed his lips and frowned, recalling how many times the ginger had said those words when he was in a coma.

"I hate you, for causing me so much pain but that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you..."

Tsukishima bit his inner cheeck as he felt his heart skip a beat. Hinata tilt his head as he watched the blonde guy refraining himself from smiling.

"Are you sure about giving me another chance?" The ginger head nurse sighed and respond;

"Hmm. I want to be with you just like the old days....but let's take it slow for now and for one last time, I would like to love you."

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