Can I use your phone?

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Hinata is sitting in the bench, waiting for a train. He was texting Kenma, his bestfriend if he could fetch Hinata when he arrived Tokyo.

Yeah, I'll wait for you there. Take care.

Hinata smiled, when his bestfriend agreed. He's on 3 days vacation. He want to rest and to relax from his work. He's too busy for the past weeks, so he asked for permission to take a leave.

He was minding his own little thoughts when suddenly, a tall blonde guy sat next to him.

"Uhmmm....hi?" said the guy.

"Uhmm Hello?" he greeted back. He's not quite sure if he's the one the guy talking to.

"If it's fine with you, can I use your phone?" Hinata lifted his eye brows, probably asking why.

"I misplaced my phone somewhere and I couldn't find it. So can I use your phone instead? Don't worry I won't snatch it." The guy assured it.

Without hesitation, Hinata nod and helped the guy. He unlocked his phone and went to call to dial the guy's number.

"Just tell me your number Mr." the tangerine said without knowing that the guy beside him is grinning.

After typing the number, he dialed it. And just a second later, he heard ringing beside him. He turned at the guy with confusion.

"Oh, my phone is just here in my pocket. Silly me. By the way thank you for your number. Don't worry I already saved it, you can also save mine." After that, he left. Leaving the tangerine dumbfounded.

What just happened? He thought. But not for awhile, he snapped back when he heard the train.

"Nice move. Smooth." He said to himself before entering the train.


"Nice move Tsuki!" the tall guy glared at them.

"Shut up, and don't call me that." He said, annoyed.

"So what are you going to do with his number?" Said the man with white and black hair.

"I'll eat it until I throw up." the tall guy sarcastically answered.

"Is that even possible?" The two guy face palmed at ths innocent boy.


"Why Kurobro?"

"Both of you shut up." Tsukishima said.

"Aww, why?" Bokuto said, pouting.

"Let's just go, Bokuto." Kuro said, dragging Bokuto and Tsukishima.

Tsukishima tried to pulled away but Kuro tighten his grip. So the taller male just gave up and let the black haired man drag him.

3:30 pm TOKYO

Hinata fished his phone under the pillow. He's now in Tokyo, staying under Kenma's residence. He is drying his hair when he heard his phone ping. Kenma and Hinata are good friends, so they didn't mind if Shoyo is staying with them.

Hey, Good afternoon. I'm the guy earlier. If you'll remember.

His brows furrowed but it fades when he remembered the scene, how the guy tricked him. He smiled and replied.

To: Unkown.
Yeah, I remembered you. By the way, nice move.

He gently put his phone above the pillow and continue rubbing his hair using the towel. But within a seconds, his phone ping again. He pick it up.

Phew. I thought you forgot. Btw, I am Tsukishima Kei. Baby is fine.

His brows lifted up after reading the message. He shook his head and bit his lip. This guy, making some moves huh. He thought.

To: Unknown.
Hinata Shoyo here. Shima-kun.

Hinata didn't thought about having a fun conversation with the guy. Their conversation over text last until midnight. The next day, Hinata didn't have enough sleep cause of the guy, but for him it's worth it. He had blast with him.

"Shoyo, prepare yourself. We'll attend party to Kuro's residence. He's my childhood bestfriend. And Keiji will come to us, he'll be here later." Hinata nod at Kenma who's busy playing at his phone.

Sometime later, Akaashi showed up infront of the door. They were now ready to leave. They just wear some decent clothes and bring extra pajamas since it was slumber party. It's just them and Kuro's friend.

Kenma rang the bell when they reached the Kuro's residence. They wait it to opened.

"How's your work?" Akaashi asked and the tangerine pouted causing the other two to chuckled.

"It's tiring! But worth it. I got promoted as a manager so I guess, it's good." he proudly said.

"Wait really?!" Akaashi asked with wide eyes.


"Why didn't you tell us?! We could have celebrate your promotion." Kenma said, slightly disappointed but he is beyond happy for his bestfriend.

"It's not a big of a deal."

"It is Sho! It is!" Akaashi said with crossed arms, hugging the bag where his extra clothes are.

Hinata was about to speak when the door opened, revealing a black haired man. His one eye was covered by the bangs.

"Rooster." Hinata mumbled to himself but his friends heard him, including the guy.

They chuckled and Hinata felt embarassed but he's not guilty. He's just stating a fact.

"KuROOSTER. Hmm sounds amazing." Kenma said with a smirk.

"Kyenma!" Kuro whined.

"Shut up!" He said and stepped inside.

Kuro sighed and looked at the two other guy who's still standing outside. Kuro hawk his eyes when he looked at Hinata. Hinata felt uncomfortable with a sudden stare.

"Ehem. Sorry but you're scaring our little sunshine." Akaashi said with his stoic face.

"Uhh, sorry my bad." He apologize and bowed slightly. Lucky! I can now tease you Tsukishima-kun. He thought as he let the two in.

The tangerine roamed his eyes around but it stopped when he met a pair of golden eyes.

Tsukishima was surprise seeing his crush infront of him. They just stared at each other not until the smaller male broke the staring contest.


Shit! Saying my name like that......I'am ready to die. His heart skip a beat and smiled a little. The tangerine smiled back at him that caused him to blush.

This tangerine will be the caused of my death. But it's worth it.

"Hi to you too, MY BABY DINO."



Insert song. [Double Take by dhruv]

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