13. Dreams & Fantasies

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3rd Person POV.
Location: the happy Hotel The Pride ring Hell

Y/n L/n is currently with his two new demon friends the princess of Hell Charlotte Morningstar otherwise known as Charlie and his other friend who was also a member of demon royalty the owl demon Octavia.

Y/n: so any more questions?

Octavia: I've got one or two I got to know if you have all this power why be a hero, why not just snap your fingers erase all evil from the universe and then be done with it?

Y/n: because if I were to use and abuse my powers in such a Vulgar Display then I'd be no better than the evil I wish to eradicate in fact I would be a million times worse.

Charlie: wow I don't approve of what your father did but you're definitely a hero in my eyes.

Y/n: thanks

Octavia: same goes double for me you're not only saved me but you saved my family.

Y/n: well I'm glad to be a hero in your eyes but I hope that one day I can get hero in everyone's eyes.

Octavia: well play your cards right and I think that is a big possibility.

Y/n: well if you'll excuse me I got to go I've got some business to take care of back in the human world.

Charlie: I'll see you later then I hope we can see each other again real soon.

Octavia: I hope so too.

Y/n: before I go here take this.

Y/n L/n used his powers to create two devices the devices were simple two-way communication devices both the devices were identical and they had a direct connections to Y/n's cybernetic hand with a push of a button they could contact Y/n L/n in an instant he then handed the devices to Charlie and Octavia.

Octavia: what's this thing?

Y/n: simple it's a two-way communication device just push the button and we'll be able to talk again if you need anything at all just push the button talk to me and I'll see what I can do.

Octavia and Charlie smiled at their new friend realizing how compassionate he was being to make sure that they would stay in contact with each other.

Charlie: this is very nice of you thank you.

Octavia: we'll see you again real soon.

Y/n: I'll see you both real soon you both might want to get back to the party before your parents decide to have a Manhunt.

Charlie: that's a good idea let's go Octavia.

Octavia: you're right see you later and don't worry your secret is safe with us.

Y/n: see you both later.

Y/n L/n teleported his two friends back to the party before they were noticed once they were gone he used the power of the space Stone once again to teleport himself back to the Plaza Hotel in New York in the human world he was greeted by his human friend Emerald and he was greeted by his Terror dog servants.

Y/n: hello Emerald it's good to see you again it's also good to see my little fluffy friends.

Emerald: so where'd you go running off to?

Y/n: I had to take care of an enormous Titan class demon known as the icon of sin who was threatening not only hell but all of creation itself.

Emerald: so how'd it go?!

Y/n: first I destroyed its armor then I kicked its butt and played with it for a while and then afterwards I got bored shrunk it down to my level chopped into pieces and then I disintegrated what was left not only destroying its body but it's Soul as well to make sure that nothing remained and it couldn't come back ever again.

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