24. Examination & Experimentation

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3rd Person POV.
Location: science lab Alpha 1 the new age Academy

Right now the two mechanical Geniuses at the new age Academy Tabane and Mei are currently examining the primary weapon of Y/n L/n his double bladed sword the Maelstrom first they decided to examine the material they were able to identify three of the metal alloys that it was made out of but they weren't able to identify the 4th.

Mei: okay I've managed to identify three out of the four metals this thing is made out of the first is vibranium which I have no idea how you got your hands on.

Tabane: the second is adamantium which even I can't get my hands on.

Mei: the third metal is Goblin steel which should be impossible for you to have.

Tabene & Mei: but what is the fourth metal?!?!

Y/n: it's a legendary metal called Uru.

Tabane & Mei: URU?!?!

Y/n: yes Uru it's also known as the god steal basically it has the ability to channel and absorb massive amounts of energy it can help those of the Divine persuasion Channel and focus their powers it can only be found by God level entities and it can only be wielded by God level beings in the hands of a mortal it's completely useless unless they are given permission to use it.

Mei: but I don't understand how do you use it there's no buttons no switches no nothing!!!

Mei picks up the Maelstrom and she begins examining it more closely she can't find any button, switches, levers or any type of way of activating it she begins fiddling around with it trying to find its source of activation she becomes infuriated and begins banging it on the table in an angry manner.

Tabane: oh gee why didn't I think of that?!~

Y/n: well if you want me to show you how it works I can~

Mei: okay

Mei looked at the wielder of the Infinity Stones with a sad defeated look on her face she looked down and gave him his weapon.

Y/n: basically it only responds to my commands unless I give someone else permission to use this weapon but in the hands of somebody else it's powers are greatly diminished to only 5%, but in my hands I can use it to its fullest extent.

With a simple flourish and a flick of his wrist Y/n L/n deployed both Blades of his weapon both sides of the handguard deployed forming into an O configuration he performed a couple of quick flourishes and elegant Maneuvers with his double bladed weapon.

Y/n: this weapon is called the Maelstrom crafted by the trolls of Nidavellir a place that crafts the greatest of weapons the weapons of the Gods and Celestial entities it was the place where the Infinity Gauntlet was created.

Tabane: wow I've got to take a trip to this so-called Nidavellir maybe I can get some inspiration from there~

Y/n: good luck with that it's all the way up in space a couple light years away from the realm of Asgard.

Mei: Asgard?! As in the home of the Norse gods?!

Y/n: that's the one~

Mei: you know what I'm not going down that rabbit hole let's continue so tell us what can your weapon do?

Y/n: well it can do anything a double-bladed sword can do I can also retract one of the blades and half the handguard to make it into a single bladed weapon with both blades are activated and both sides the hand guard are deployed the blades can rotate at a high rate of speed it's mostly an intimidation and scare tactic meant to intimidate and befuddle my opponents it can be used in combat but it doesn't have a lot of practical uses in combat but most importantly I can channel the powers of the Infinity Stones through these blades some Powers I have learned to do so far are with the power of the Power Stone I can cut through anything and I do mean anything with the power of the space Stone I can cut through space and even dimensions with the time Stone the swing of my blades becomes so fast that no eye can track it also when my blade touches something it can instantly turn whatever it's touching into dust with the Soul Stone if I cut through someone I can end up destroying their souls making it so that they don't exist anymore with the reality Stone I can alter the molecular structure of anything my blades touch sometimes I can destabilize the molecular structure of things so I can cut through them easier or I can cause them to become so unstable that they actually explode and with the Mind Stone I can throw my weapon and it will act on its own going through flying through the air on its own cutting and destroying anything it comes into contact with eventually returning to my hand.

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