27. New suit & Weapons

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3rd Person POV.
Location: training ground beta the new age Academy

Right now the students of class 1A in the hero course of the new age Academy the current teacher of hero class otherwise known as heroing 101 the number one hero in Japan All Might is explaining how combat training is going to work today.

All Might: now that you're all ready to go time for combat training!

Tenya: madam this is the fake City from our entrance exam, does that mean we'll be conducting Urban battles again?

All Might: not quite I'm going to move you all two steps ahead most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside however statistically speaking Runnings with the most dastardly villains take place indoors think about it backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground evil lairs, truly intelligent villains stay hidden in the shadows but this training exercise will split up into teams of heroes and villains and fight two on two indoor battles.

Tsuyu: isn't this a little advanced?!

All Might: the best experience you can get is on the battlefield but remember you can't just punch a robot this time you're dealing with actual people real flesh and blood.

Soon enough a couple of different students started asking their own questions of course Momo asked a logical question Kat asked a stupid violent question Ochaco asked a simple question but a good question nonetheless and Tenya asked another logical question.

All Might: I wasn't finished talking!

All Might immediately pulled out a script so she knew what to say.

All Might: listen the situation is this the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout heroes must try and foil their plan to do that the good guys either have to capture the villains or recover the weapon likewise the villains can succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes.

Izumi: sounds like a classic action movie setup.

Y/n: you're absolutely right it totally does~

All Might: now time is limited and we have so much to do so we will decide teams by drawing Lots!

Tenya: but wait a minute there's a big problem if we're going to be grouped up in groups of two but there's 15 of us and that means that the odd man out is Y/n what are we going to do about that?

Kat: just let that stupid breeding horse sit out he's no good for anything anyways.

Mina: are you crazy do you remember that he took the number one spot in our rankings and did you forget that he actually threw a ball hard enough to create a wormhole to the other side of the Galaxy?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kat: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!

All Might: now let's draw!!!

Immediately everybody started drawing Lots the teams were decided but of course just as Tenya predicted Y/n L/n was literally the odd man out instead of drawing a lot himself he did not instead the teacher All Might had another idea in mind soon enough the battles began between the teens and as soon as everyone else had battled it was time for the grand finale it was time for Y/n L/n to step up to the plate.

All Might: all right everyone as you all know Y/n L/n here is quite powerful and I've decided choose four candidates to take him on he will play the role of the villain defending his payload and the four candidates I choose will act as the heroes!

All Might then chose the four candidates to act as the heroes.

All Might: the first chosen Shell be Kat Bakugo.

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